Minggu, 27 Desember 2020

Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA REPORT Bagian 4

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The  following text is for questions number 129 to 132


AIDS is an immune system deficiency disorder that suddenly alters the body’s ability to defend itself. The AIDS virus invades the T-cells and multiples, causing a breakdown in the body’s immune system, eventually leading to overwhelming infection and cancer, with ultimate death.

Many people who are carriers of the HIV virus are not even aware they have it. They spread the virus primarily through sexual contact and through the sharing of needles during intravenous drug use. Those abusing drugs should never share a needle. Those engaging in sexual intercourse with persons whose sexual history is unknown or with multiple partners should consider the consequences. Monogamy can be an adequate precautions to be taken by those who continue to practice this kind of sexual life. Condoms should be used if a monogamous relationship cannot be maintained; they are about 90 percent effective against the transmission of the HIV virus. Besides sexual contact, AIDS is spread primarily through the sharing of needles by intravenous drug users and blood transfusion. 

It takes two or five years after infection for symptoms of the AIDS virus to appear. When the virus becomes active, some of the symptoms are non specified and variable. They include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, night sweats, skin disorders, and enlarged liver and spleen. The first sign may be tongue that is coated with white bumps. Thrush indicated a compromised immune system.

The immune system is the most important single factor in disease prevention. At this time, building up the immune system is the best defense for the potential HIV victims.  The fundamental approach in treatment is to eliminate all known causes of immune suppression and to implement the use of all therapies that stimulate immune function. 

129.  The followings are the symptoms of AIDS, except ………

A. fever, fatigue, and enlarged liver and spleen

B. loss of appetite and weight, tiredness

C. fever, fatigue, and obesity

D. diarrhea, white bumps, skin disorders

E. swollen lymph nodes, night sweats

130. From the passage we can conclude that ………….

A. one way to lengthen those  infected  with HIV virus is functioning their immune system.

B. those who are never involved in free sexual contact are free from AIDS.

C. sexual intercourse is one of principal factors of the spread of AIDS.

D. blood transfusion is always dangerous because the blood contains HIV virus.

E. Human’s immune system can’t be stimulated with any therapies

131. The social function of the text above is …………..

A. To tell two points of view about AIDS and its symptoms.

B. To tell about one’s past experience when he suffered from AIDS.

C. To explain human’s immune system.

D. To explain AIDS and its danger.

E. To show the consequences of doing free sex.

132.  Here are the sentences taken from the text which use Participle, except…..

A. The AIDS virus invades the T-cells and multiples, causing a breakdown in the body’s immune system.

B. Those abusing drugs should never share a needle.

C. Thrush indicated a compromised immune system.

D. AIDS is spread primarily through the sharing of needles by intravenous drug users and blood transfusion.

E. Those engaging in sexual intercourse with persons whose sexual history is unknown should consider the consequences.

The following text is for questions number 133 to 134

Tomatoes are full of nutrients and are an especially good source of antioxidant vitamins. In fact, one serving of tomato will give you 40% of your recommendation daily allowance of vitamin C. All doctors will suggest that we take as many vitamins as possible in one day to stay strong. A diet, which is rich in fruit and vegetables, are associated with lower risks of many diseases and a diet which includes high intake of tomatoes has been shown to protect against prostate cancer. We often see how dangerous the disease is so that many people have died because of it. Tomatoes are by far the richest source of Lycopene, a powerful  antioxidant, which gives tomato its red colour. Colour can help us add appetite in consuming food. No other food contains this high level of antioxidant. Lycopene is highest in processed tomato foods, such as tomato puree, because they are concentrated.

133. The whole text explains us that ……

A. tomatoes contain more than 40% vitamin C..

B. tomatoes are good sources of antioxidant.

C. tomatoes are used to fight against prostate cancer.

D. the more tomatoes we eat, the stronger we are.

E. tomato puree has high-level of antioxidant.

134. The following sentences define Lycopene, except ……

A. It can be found in tomatoes.

B. It causes tomatoes colour red.

C. It contains powerful antioxidant.

D. Tomato concentrate contains the highest level of Lycopene..

E. It is 40% helps us to fight against cancer.

The following is the text or question number 135 to 137

The wildcat species in the world today face possible extinction. What is worse is that the cause of depletion has not been a natural one. It is man who has been responsible, knowingly or not, for the plight of these wild animals. Yet, the only hope of saving them lies in man himself.

Through the years, the wildcat species have been cruelly hunted. Today in China and the Far East there is still a market for not only the fur skins but also the organs and bones of the tiger and leopard. Ironically, one of the main uses of this body parts is in producing medicines which are said to help men promote long life and vitality.

As the population of humans grows, communities are built and extended into the natural habitat of the wild cats. Forests are cleared and the feeding grounds of many of the wild cats’ natural prey are destroyed. As a result, in many of these areas, wild cats are forced to become predators of domestic animals. In these cases, they are Labeled as a danger to man.

Man has to be more responsible for these wild cats’ future. Many governments and organizations can show more support by banning the hunting and killing of the world’s endangered cat species. More conservation programs and wildlife reserves should also be set up to help preserve these species.

(Adapted from Primary Essentials 6)

135. When do many of the wildcat species face possible extinction?

A. Through the years

B. Long time ago

C. A few years ago

D. Years latter

E. In the modern age

136. Why has the decrease of many wildcat species today ‘not a natural one’?

A. The cause of their decrease has been man-made.

B. The cause of depletion has not been a natural one.

C. The cause of their decrease has not been a natural one.

D. The cause of their decrease has not been man-made.

E. The cause is many people hunt them cruelly.

137. What are the two uses the wild cats being hunted for?

A. Wild cats are hunted for their fur and medicinal uses.

B. Wild cats are hunted for their fur skins and the organs.

C. Wild cats are hunted for their fur skins and bones.

D. Wild cats are hunted for their bones and the organs.

E. Wild cats are hunted for their organs and medicine.

The  following text is for questions number 138 to141

A sea horse is not really a horse. It is a small fish with a head that resembles that of a horse. Most sea horses are tiny. In fact, the common sea horse, the biggest kind of sea horse, is only about 5 inches (13 centimeters) long. Sea horses are some of the strangest looking fish. A sea horse has big eyes and a long, tube-shaped mouth that looks like the snout of a horse. It has a slim body and a thin, flexible tail. Hard, bony rings that are like armor cover a sea horse’s body. Bony spines near the top of its back resemble a horse’s ears.

138. What is the flexible part of sea horse?

A. Ear

B. Tail

C. Eyes

D. Mouth

E. Spines

139. This text mostly talks about the … of sea horses.

A. lives

B. spines

C. bodies 

D. habitats 

E. rareness

140. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. Sea horse is a kind of fish

B. Most  sea horses are very small

C. Sea horses are strange looking fish

D. Sea horses have slim bodies and thin tails

E. Sea horses’ heads are different from those of  horses

141. The purpose of the text is to ….

A. describe what particular sea horses are like

B. amuse the readers with beautiful sea horses

C. persuade the readers to conserve sea horses

D. tell the readers sea horses in general description

E. present two points of view about sea horses and horses

The following text is for questions number 142 to145


A cabbage belongs to vegetable. The word cabbage derives from the French word caboche, a colloquial term for “head”. The cabbage family is wide and varied such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and kale. The cabbage itself comes in many forms. The shapes can be flat, conical or round. The heads are compact or loose. The leaves are curly or plain.

In the United States, the most widely used cabbage comes in compact heads of waxy, tightly wrapped leaves that range in color from almost white to green to red. Savoy cabbage and Chinese cabbage are considered culinary superior but are less readily available.

The cabbage may be refrigerated and tightly wrapped for a week. It can be cooked in a variety of ways or eaten raw, as in salads. The cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable, contains a good amount of vitamin C and some vitamin A.

142. The purposes of text 3 is . . .

A. To describe  cabbage

B. To tell the readers how to chose cabbages

C. To persuade he readers that cabbage is good

D. To explain how to grow cabbages

E. To tell the readers how to cook cabbages

143. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. The word cabbage in French means “head”

B. There are many kinds of cabbages

C. You can keep cabbages in the refrigerator

D. Cabbages contain vitamin A and C

E. Cabbages must be well-cooked before it is eaten.

144. The second paragraph describes the . . . . of cabbages

A. Color

B. Price

C. Shape

D. Head

E. Leaves

145. The cabbage, a cruciferous vegetable, contains a good amount of vitamin C and some vitamin A”

  The underlined word means : sounds . . . . . . with the teeth when it is eaten.

A. Crunchy

B. Soft

C. Waxy

D. Tender

E. Tough

 The  following text is for questions number 146 to 150

What Do Ants Look Like?

Ants are small insects. Like all insects, ants have six legs. The smallest ants are 0.03 inch (0.7 millimeter) long. They are hard to see! The biggest ants are almost 1.25 inches (3 centimeters) long.

An ant’s body looks like it has a very thin waist. The narrow waist lets the ant bend when it goes around turns in underground tunnels. Male ants and young queen ants have wings. The workers of many species of ants have a stinger that they use to fight enemies.

An ant has a mouth with three parts. The most important mouthparts are its jaws. Ants can move them from side to side. They use their jaws for digging, carrying things, collecting food, building nests, fighting, and cutting. Ants use their lower jaws for chewing. They use their tongues to suck up liquids.

Adult ants can swallow only liquid foods. Some ants chew solid foods until the food turns into a liquid.

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146. An ant has a mouth with three parts; they are…

A. legs, waist, jaws.

B. digging, carrying things, collecting food.

C. mouth, teeth, lips.

D. jaws, lower jaws, tongues.

E. stinger, wings, body.

147. The ant’s thin waist allows it to…

A. move quickly within the underground tunnels

B. carry heavy load easily

C. fight and sting enemies

D. bend when going around turns in tunnels

E. fly with its light wings

148. Which of the following is true based on the text?

A. Adult ants can swallow solid food.

B. All ants have a stinger to fight enemies.

C. All insects have six legs.

D. Ants are similar in size to other insects.

E. An ant has three mouths.

149. “They use their jaws for digging, carrying things…” (paragraph 3). The word their in the sentence above refers to…

A. the jaws of an ant

B. ants

C. ant’s three mouth parts

D. things carried by ants’ jaws

E. liquid foods of ants

150. What is the purpose of the text?

A. It explains ants’ body parts and their functions.

B. It proves that ants are very small.

C. It describes what ants look like.

D. It tells the reader about a species of insect.

E. It describes ants’ mouth parts.

The following text is for questions number 151  to 153

Antelopes are mammals with hooves and hallow horns. There are about 100 species of antelopes. They live in Africa and Asia. Antelopes range in size from the tiny royal antelope, which stands about 10 inches (25 cm), to the giant eland which weighs as much as a car. 

Most antelopes live in herds. Some live in forests, and others live on open plains. They nibble on plants for food. Some graze on grass. Others eat leaves and fruit from bushes and trees.

Almost all antelopes are shy. They rely on speed for safety. When they spot danger, they run away. Many antelopes use their speed and jumping ability to avoid hungry predators, like lions and hyenas.

151. The text mainly tells us about….

A. species of antelopes

B. the sizes of antelopes

C. the description of antelopes

D. antelope’s speed is for safety

E. the main predators of antelopes

152. Which of the following is true about antelopes?

A. They live in group.

B. They are herbivores.

C. They can be found in all parts of the world.

D. They use their sharp horns to scare lions away.

E. The tiny royal antelopes can weigh as much as a car.

153. “Many antelopes use their speed and jumping ability to avoid hungry predators.…” (Par. 3)

The underlined word means....

A. feed on 

B. run after

C. get close to

D. try to attack

E. stay away from

Text following is the text for question number 154 to 158

Mother’s Day

Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis were the best known pioneers who took up the cause of Mother’s Day in the United States. Julia Ward Howe’s “Mother’s Day” in 1872 was a call for disarmament by women. Anna Jarvis, in 1907, organized a day to raise of poor health conditions in her community, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called it “Mother’s Work Day.” In 1914, US President, Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Declaration. He declared the second Sunday of May as Mother;s Day, the day to honor motherhood. Today, however, some may think that the commercial community purposely created Mother’s Day to make some extra money.

Nowadays, this auspicious day has literally become a commercial affair. Many people send thier time buying material gifts for their mothers. In order to sell more products, many restaurants, gift shops, cake shops, and florist usually give special offers on Mother’s day. Consequently, their cash registers keep ringing non stop. Obviously, Mother’s Day has become a major profit makes for businesses.

It is important to remember that the reason behind celebrating Mother’s Day is to say thanks to the most important person in our life – our mother. It is the day to tell how much we love her and how special she is for us.

Therefore, instead of merely giving material gifts, giving or mother what she needs and really wants is more precious. Showing off our love by spending more time with her, for example, will certainly give us nothing but heartfelt thanks and real gratitude from our mother.

154. Who was the creator of Mother’s Day?

A. Ann Jarvis

B. Mary Thompson

C. President Woodrow Wilson

D. Joan of Arc

E. Julia Ward Howe. 

155. What did Julia Ward Howe do in the 19th century?

A. She worked for the NGO.

B. She worked in the military service.

C. She called for disarmament by women.

D. She raised awareness of poor health conditions in her community.

E. She became a charity worker.

156. When Mother’s Day did officially recognized?

A. In 1800

B. In 19th century

C. In 1924

D. In 1914

E. In 1814

157. According to the text when is Mother’s Day celebrated?

A. On the 1st week of June

B. On the 2nd week of April

C. On the 2nd week of May

D. On the 1st week of December

E. On the 3rd week of May

158. What does Mother’s Day bring to the commercial community?

A. It brings havoc to the commercial community.

B. It brings problems to the commercial community.

C. It brings adversities to the commercial community.

D. It brings disasters to the commercial community.

E. It brings immense business to the commercial community.

The  following text is for questions number 159  to163

There is a holiday called Labour Thanksgiving Day (Kinrô kansha no hi) in Japan. It is a national holiday in Japan and it takes place annually on November 23. It is held as an occasion for commemorating labour and production and giving one another thanks.

Events are held throughout Japan in this holiday, such as Nagano Labour Festival. The event encourages thinking about the environment, peace and human rights.It is not unusual for early grade elementary students to create drawings for the holiday and give them as gifts to local kobans, or police stations.

Labor Thanksgiving Day is actually the modern version for an ancient rice harvest festival known as Niiname-sai (􁣂􀽏􂑂), believed to have been held as long ago as November of 678.Traditionally, it celebrated the year’s hard work; during the Niiname-sai ceremony, the Emperor would dedicate the year’s harvest to kami (spirits), and taste the rice for the fi rst time.

The modern holiday was established after World War II in 1948 as a day to mark some of the changes of the postwar constitution of Japan, including fundamental human rights and the expansion of workers rights. Currently Niiname-sai is held privately by the Imperial Family while Labour Thanksgiving Day has become a national holiday.

159. What is the information about?

A. Labour Day.

B. Niiname-sai.

C. Labour Thanksgiving Day.

D. Japanese national holidays

E. Thanksgiving Day.

160.   What is it held for?

A. To celebrate the first harvest.

B. To celebrate labour, production, and thank each other.

C. To encourage human right, celebrate the fi rst harvest and thank each other.

D. To give the spirit some offering.

E. To taste the fi rst rice from the harvest.

161.  When is Kinrô kansha no hi first held?

A. After World War I in 1948.

B. Before World War II in 1948.

C. Before World War I in 1948. 

D. After World War II in 1943.

E. After World War II in 1948.

162.   What is Niiname-sai?

A. A harvest celebration.

B. A Japanese national holiday.

C. Labour Day celebration.

D. An International holiday.

E. Labour Thanksgiving Day celebration.

163.   Who held Niiname-sai privately?

A. People.

B. Emperor.

C. Government.

D. Workers.

E. Imperial family.

The  following text is for questions number 1 to 164 to 165

  Chocalolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. The tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa and Indonesia. The cacao tree produce a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree seeds also known as cacao beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavour, so they are often sorted and blanded to distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then the nibs  are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beands are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs form liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.

164. The text is about … .

A. the cacao tree

B. the cacao beans

C. the raw chocolate

D. the making of chocolate

E. the flavour of chocolate

165. The second paragraph focuses on ….. .

A. the process of producing chocolate

B. how to produce the cocoa flavour

C. where chocolate come from

D. the chocolate liquor 

E. the cacao fruit

The following text is for questions number 166 to170

Rainforests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are recognized worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain nearly three-quarters of all varieties of life on Earth. This is remarkable because rainforest cover only about six per cent of the Earth’s land surface.

Rainforests are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life are to be found in rainforest. Unfortunately, the widespread destruction of many of the world’s rainforests has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species on Earth.

Rainforest are also able to absorb over 90 per cent of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers.

Rainforests are vital to the Earth in helping recycle carbon and oxygen. They are able to remove carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in its place. This is why our global rainforests are often called the Earth’s ‘lung’.

Rainforests are major producers of the Earth’s oxygen. In fact, scientists believe that nearly 50 per cent of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by rainforest in the Amazon region alone.

To sum up, the role of the rainforest is essential for human life. It creates equilibrium in our environment and its resources are significant for human beings survival.

166. Which statement is incorrect according to the text?

A. The economic resources which rainforests provide vary.

B. More than 50 per cent of the world’s species live in rainforest area

C. Rainforests are the main oxygen producer

D. The existence of rainforests is really crucial

E. Rainforest in the Amazon provides little oxygen

167. “Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life are to be found in rainforest.” The underlined word can be replaced by…

A. Think

B. believe

C. Suggest

D. predict

E. Assume

168. Human activities have drastically reduced the amount of creatures. We can find this message in…

A. paragraph 1

B. paragraph 2

C. paragraph 3

D. paragraph 4

E. paragraph 5

169. Based on the text above, which one is not the function of rainforest?

A. To change carbon released by human activities into oxygen

B. To maintain the climate 

C. To absorb most of rainfall

D. To decline the number of animals and plants

E. To act as human’s lung

170.  Rainforests are able to absorb … rainfall through their leaves and mosses.

A. many

B. a lot of

C. much

D. little

E. few

The following text is for questions number 171 to 174

The northern and the southern polar regions are different in many ways. The most important difference concerns the distribution of land and water. The northern arctic regions are ice covered sea, almost completely surrounded by land. The pole itself is deep water in the south.  Antarctic is a huge continent which is surrounded by a great ocean . Because of this basic difference, other differences occur. The Arctic has a varied climate while the Antarctic has little varies climate. The Arctic has much plant life, but the Antarctic is an empty desert. And where as the Arctic has been exploited economically for centuries, trade has never really touched Antarctic.

171.   The text tells us about ….

A. Arctic and Antarctic circles

B. Why the two poles are different

C. The situation of the polar regions

D. The exploitation of the northern and southern polar regions

E. The difference between the northern and southern polar regions

172. These are all about the Arctic circle, except ….

A. Surrounded by land

B. Pole lies on land

C. Ice covered sea

D. Much plant life

E. Varied climate

173.   The northern and southern polar regions are different in many ways.

          What does underlined word mean?

A. Parts

B. Areas

C. Districts

D. Places

E. Regencies

174.  “The pole itself is in deep water (par.6)”

          The bold typed word refers to ….

A. Sea

B. Land

C. Water

D. Arctic

E. The pole

The  following text is for questions number 175  to 178

A sea horse is not really a horse. It is a small fish with a head that resembles that of a horse. Most sea horses are tiny. In fact, the common sea horse, the biggest kind of sea horse, is only about 5 inches (13 centimeters) long. Sea horses are some of the strangest looking fish. A sea horse has big eyes and a long, tube-shaped mouth that looks like the snout of a horse. It has a slim body and a thin, flexible tail. Hard, bony rings that are like armor cover a sea horse’s body. Bony spines near the top of its back resemble a horse’s ears.

175. Sea horses look strange due to their ….

A. shapes

B. foods

C. sizes

D. colors

E. habits

176. This text mostly talks about the … of sea horses.

A. habitat

B. lives

C. keeping

D. bodies

E. rareness

177. Based on the text, sea horses and horses have … similarities in their physical features.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

E. 6

178. The purpose of the text is ….

A. to amuse the readers with beautiful sea horses

B. to persuade the readers to conserve sea horses

C. to tell the readers sea horses in general description

D. to describe what sea horses are like particularly in brief

E. to present two points of view about sea horses and horses

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  • Sudah termasuk HP untuk Server (Harga HP sekitar 1,3 jt an)
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  • Dengan adanya server WhatsApp sendiri, Chat WA Masuk bisa terpantau di Komputer.
  • lama pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 hari.
  • Syarat menyediakan HP Android os.7.+ yang akan hidup 24 jam online di lokasi Anda sendiri yang bertugas menerima data dan mengirim dalam bentuk WhatsApp.
  • Video Penjelasan Server WA Klik Disini
Asumsi Biaya Notifikasi
  • Untuk Bimbel 50 siswa biaya Notif WA Bulanan sekitar Rp 12 ribuan. 
WhatsApp 081391005464

Aplikasi Bimbel

Fungsi Utama
  • Database Siswa dan Tutor.
  • Pencatatan Kehadiran, Pembayaran, Jadwal dan Nilai.
  • Admin buka dalam bentuk Website, Untuk Siswa dan Tutor buka di Aplikasi Android.
  • Pencarian Cepat Status Siswa (Menunggak Bayar dan Hadir Terakhir Kapan).
  • Absen Siswa dilakukan di HP Tutor (Login), dan akan dikirimkan Notif ke Ortu bahwa siswa telah hadir, begitu pula dengan Pembayaran dan Nilai.
  • Broadcast Info seperti Jadwal, Tidak masuk Les dll.
Ada 2 Paket yg bisa dipilih 
  • Aplikasi Go Bimbel - Harga Rp 300 ribu
  • Aplikasi Android dengan Nama Bimbel Sendiri - Harga 1,3 juta - lama pembuatan 15 harian
Contoh Aplikasi Bimbel untuk Simulasi
Admin, Ketik contohadmin.aqilacourse.net dengan Google Chrome di Laptop
Nomor HP  1   Password 1
Siswa dan Tutor. buka di Aplikasi Androidnya Download dan Install
Biaya Berjalan
  • Biaya Tahunan Rp 100 ribu
  • Biaya Info Rp 20/kirim (Optional)
Video Penjelasan Penggunaan Klik Disini
Setelah Pembayaran
Anda akan mendapat Akun ke gobimbel.net dan  Aplikasi Android Go Bimbel
WhatsApp 081391005464

Aplikasi TryOut

  • Harga 1,5 juta
  • Aplikasi Android dengan Nama Bimbel/Sekolah Anda sendiri
  • Lama Pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 hari
  • Biaya berjalan Rp 20 per aplikasi dibuka
Tujuan Aplikasi
  • Promosi Bimbel
  • Hemat Kertas untuk Modul, Soal TryOut dan Soal Lomba.
  • Landing Page Bimbel seperti website namun dalam bentuk Aplikasi.
  • Share Kegiatan Bimbel seperti Wall Facebook.
  • Mode Lanjutan, Aplikasi bisa digunakan sebagai media jual konten belajar (Hanya yang berlangganan yang bisa akses).
NB :
Konten Aplikasi masih Kosong jadi perlu di isi sendiri. Anda perlu menyiapkan Video, Materi dan Soal.
Contoh Aplikasi Terapan Download dan Install
Contoh Aplikasi untuk Simulasi Input Soal dll -  Download dan Install
Login jadi Admin HP 0123456789 Password 1234
Cara input soal, Materi dan Video Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464

Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari

Harga Rp 100K/analisa
Biaya di Transfer setelah Hasil Analisa dikirimkan karena kadang Sidik Jari Tidak terlihat.
Ada 2 cara Pengiriman Data
  1. Menggunakan Scanner Dokument (Scanner di Printer Fotocopy sudah cukup).
  2. Foto dengan Kamera HP 1 jari 1 foto dan kasih label yaa ...
Kirimkan :
Manfaat Analisa :
  • Mengetahui IQ dan EQ Bawaan untuk menyesuaikan kecepatan belajar.
  • Mengetahui Keseimbangan Otak Kiri dan Kanan dimana hal ini akan mempengaruhi Gaya Kerja, Cara Berfikir, Tingkah laku dan Posisi Kerja. 
  • Mengetahui Bakat Alami, Kecerdasan Majemuk, Sifat Bawaan untuk selanjutnya bisa dikembangkan dan Mengantisipasi Kelemahan.
  • Memperkirakan Jurusan Pendidikan yang cocok.
  • Memperkirakan Posisi Kerja yang lebih relevan.
  • Memperkirakan Pekerjaan yang dengan Kemungkinan Sukses lebih banyak.
  • Mengetahui Kemampuan yang Paling menonjol yang ada pada diri Anda.
  • Penyaluran Hobi yang cocok untuk kegiatan setelah Pensiun.
Hasil Analisa
  • Hasil Analisa Dalam bentuk PDF 13 Halaman dikirim langsung melalui WhatsApp.
  • Contoh Hasil Analisa Klik Disini  
Video Pembahasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini 
Info Lengkap silahkan download di Aplikasi - Download dan Install
WhatsApp 081391005464

Kemitraan Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

  • Peluang usaha membuka Outlet Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari. 
  • Apabila Anda telah memiliki Outlet Penjualan seperti Bimbel, Ekspedisi, Kafe, Warung dan sejenisnya, Analisa ini dapat menambah ragam usaha Anda.
  • Analisa SJB ini bisa digunakan di Sekolah, Madrasah, Pondok Pesantren, Bimbel,  Perusahaan, Biro Psikologi atau yang membutuhkan Analisa Bakat. Dengan Sistem ini Mitra bisa mendapatkan Harga lebih terjangkau namun perlu membuat Tim Pengambilan data dan Pencetakkan Hasil Analisa.
Info Lengkap Tentang Analisa Bakat - Download Aplikasi SJB
  • Memiliki Scanner, Printer dan Komputer (Scanner bisa menggunakan Scanner di Printer fotocopy)
  • Mau Belajar untuk Menerangkan Hasil Analisa
Silahkan Pelajari terlebih dahulu penjelasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini
Biaya Kemitraan
  • Pendaftaran Kemitraan Rp 500 ribu (termasuk 10 analisa)
  • Rp 50 ribu / analisa (Harga jual minimal Rp 100 ribu)
Alur Kerja
  • Pelanggan di-scan 10 jari dan Telapak Tangan
  • Kirimkan Hasil Scan resolusi tinggi (JPG) melalui WA atau email aqilabakat@gmail.com
  • Setelah pengukuran selesai, Hasil Analisa dikirimkan ke Anda, 
  • silahkan cetak dan berikan ke Pelanggan
  • Jika diperlukan tambahkan sedikit Penjelasan.
Target Pasar
  • TK Paud Mendeteksi masalah lebih dini tentang adanya kelainan otak
  • Memberikan Alternatif Solusi untuk anak yang mengalami masalah baik tingkah laku maupun belajar
  • Mengetahui Tipe Kecerdasan yang mungkin bisa dikembangkan
  • Penjusan SMA / Kuliah
  • Posisi kerja yang lebih cocok
  • Penghasilan tambahan / Hobi yang menghasilkan
  • Usaha untuk Persiapan Pensiun
Perbedaan dengan Produk Sejenis
  • Hasil berupa angka sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai pembanding dengan orang lain yang telah melakukan Analisa. Produk sejenis hanya dapat melihat Potensi terbesar pada diri sendiri.
  • Hasil Analisa lebih sederhana dan mudah dipahami.
  • Dapat mendeteksi Kelainan Otak lebih dini.
  • Pengambilan data oleh Mitra Lebih mudah dan Murah hanya menggunakan scanner dokumen biasa (Printer 3 in 1 sudah mencukupi).


Contoh Hasil Analisa - Download Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464


Keagenan Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

  • Peluang usaha membuka Outlet dan Cabang Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari. 
  • Apabila Anda telah memiliki Outlet Penjualan seperti Bimbel, Ekspedisi, Kafe, Warung dan sejenisnya, Analisa ini dapat menambah ragam usaha Anda.
  • Analisa SJB ini bisa digunakan di Sekolah, Madrasah, Pondok Pesantren, Bimbel,  Perusahaan, Biro Psikologi atau yang membutuhkan Analisa Bakat. Dengan Sistem ini Mitra bisa mendapatkan Harga lebih terjangkau namun perlu membuat Tim Pengambilan data dan Pencetakkan Hasil Analisa.
Keuntungan menjadi Agen
  • Bisa membuat jaringan sendiri baik agen dibawahnya atau jaringan kemitraan sendiri
  • Biaya Kuota Analisa lebih murah
  • Dapat mencetak langsung Hasil Analisa di Tempat pengambilan data dalam waktu kurang dari 10 menit.
Info Lengkap Tentang Analisa Bakat - Download Aplikasi SJB
Alur kerja pengambilan data
  • Menentukan pola 10 ujung jari dan mengukur keliling Segitiga ATD di telapak Tangan.
  • Menginput data di Software - Login ke sidikjari.aqilacourse.net.
  • Mencetak Hasil Analisa.
  • Memberikan ke Pelanggan dan menjelaskan hasil Analisa.
Sistem Pembayaran dan Biaya
  • Biaya Pendaftaran 1 juta (mendapatkan 50 Kuota Cetak)
  • Kuota Cetak akan berkurang saat Anda menginput data, 1 analisa = 1 kuota cetak.
  • Selanjutnya Rp 20 ribu /Kuota Cetak.
Bagaimana menentukan pola dan penjelasan lainnya - Link Video Klik Disini
Silahkan Pelajari juga penjelasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini
Apabila Anda mengalami Kesulitan, 
Anda bisa melakukan Pelatihan/Training.
Biaya Training
  • Pelatihan di Aqila Magelang 1,5 juta - Khusus di Hari Minggu yaaa ... 
  • Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah Rp 1,5 jt + Transport
  • Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Jakarta Rp 2 jt + Transport
  • Luar Jawa Rp 4 jt + Transport
Tentang Training
  • Total biaya Training akan di konversi menjadi Kuota jadi sebenarnya itu hanya seperti membeli Kuota Cetak. 
  • Misal Total biaya Training Rp 2,5 jt maka akan di tambahkan Rp 2,5 jt : 20 rb = 125 Kuota Analisa.
  • Calon Agen yang mengikuti Training Bebas biaya Pendaftaran
  • Lama Training sekitar 6 jam.
  • Lebih baik peserta training lebih dari 5 orang karena tidak pasti setiap peserta training bisa melakukan analisa setelah pelatihan.
  • Biaya Transport yang dimaksud dianggap dengan Transportasi Umum dihitung dari Magelang
Perbedan Keagenan dengan Kemitraan terletak di siapakah yang menentukan pola.
Agen menentukan Pola dan Input data Sendiri sedangkan Mitra, pola ditentukan oleh pusat sehingga Mitra perlu mengirimkan Data dalam bentuk Gambar (Scan) ke Pusat.
Contoh Hasil Analisa - Download Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464


Aplikasi Admin Rental Mobil

Fungsi :
  • Booking Mobil oleh Admin / Agen
  • Data Mobil Keluar Hari ini
  • Pencarian Mobil yg Ready
  • Rekap Setoran Harian, Rekap Bulanan
  • Bisa dibuka di Banyak HP dgn Data yg Sama
Download Aplikasi Administrasi Rental Mobil - Klik Disini
Coba Login jadi Admin
  • HP Pemilik 012345678910
  • Nomor HP 012345678910
  • Password 12345
  • Memakai Aplikasi yg sudah ada Rp 400 rb akan mendapatkan Akun untuk Login Jumlah Mobil dan Agen tidak terbatas.
  • Aplikasi Sendiri dengan Nama Rental Sendiri Rp 2,5 juta (Lama pembuatan sekitar 15 hari)
  • Aplikasi Master bisa menjual lagi Akun di dalam Aplikasi Rp 7 juta (lama pembuatan sekitar 30 hari)
Info Lengkap - Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464

Katalog Produk - Simpel Online Store

  • Aplikasi Toko Online yang sangat Sederhana seperti yang ada di WhatsApp Bisnis namun dalam Bentuk Aplikasi Android dan Tampil di PlayStore dengan Nama Usaha / Toko Anda sendiri.
  • Pembeli yang tertarik membeli langsung menghubungi Anda melalui WhatsApp dengan mengklik tombol WhatsApp di Aplikasi.
Fungsi Utama
  • Landing Page yang lebih murah dan simpel
  • Marketing yang lebih mudah
  • Katalog Produk / Dagangan yang dihubungkan dengan Tombol WhatsApp
Apa yang berbeda ?
  • Satu Toko Satu Aplikasi
  • Input data dan Share Link Aplikasi di Medsos seminggu sekali dan biarkan berkembang dengan sendirinya.
  • Memakai nama Tempat Usaha / Toko Anda sendiri di PlayStore, jadi isi Aplikasi hanya ada Produk / Dagangan Anda Sendiri.
  • TIDAK ADA fungsi Keranjang, Transaksi dan chat di Aplikasi sehingga Anda tidak perlu membuka Aplikasi tiap hari.
Harga Pembuatan Aplikasi
  • Rp 500 ribu
  • Lama Pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 harian
Biaya berjalan
  • Aplikasi ini sudah dibuat semi offline jadi harga Server bisa lebih ditekan yaitu :
  • Rp 5 per View.
  • Satu View sama dengan Satu kali Aplikasi dibuka
  • Saat pembelian sudah termasuk 20K View jadi perkiraan tahun berikutnya baru menambah kuota View sekitar 50 ribuan untuk 10K View.
Hal yang perlu di mengerti
  • Aplikasi layaknya sebuah Tanaman
  • Tidak langsung berbuah saat ditanam dan perlu dirawat setiap hari dan setelah beberapa bulan / tahun baru berbuah.
  • Begitu pula dengan Aplikasi, perlu di share setiap hari dan akan menjadi media marketing setelah paling tidak terdownload lebih dari 1000 kali.
Contoh Aplikasi 
WhatsApp 081391005464


Beberapa Aplikasi Buatan Kami


Aplikasi Pembantu BroadCast WhatsApp
Aplikasi Broadcast WA, Marketing Gratis kalau punya HP nganggur os 7 ke atas
versi Free udah bisa kirim 500 Nomor dalam sekali Event. download Aplikasinya (pakai Link Gdrive karena udah di takedown oleh PlayStore) - Download dan Install
Informasi Lengkapnya Klik Disini
Aplikasi Pasang Iklan Gratis  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Tukeran Nomor HP  
Marketing Gratis dengan Status WA dengan cara saling simpan nomor HP - Download dan Install
Analisa Kepribadian dari Tanda tangan  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Tafsir Mimpi  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi 99 Cerita Motivasi  - Download dan Install
Analisa Kepribadian dan Mata  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Hobi Senter  
Aplikasi Pencatatan Hasil Review dan Uji Nyala dari berbagai jenis Senter - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Middle Brain Activation 
Menambah Kecerdasan dengan Mengaktifkan Otak Tengah  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Magelang Iklan Gratis  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Jual Beli ide  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Absen Karyawan  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Catatan Hutang Piutang  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Dompet Saya  - Download dan Install
Konsumen Rewel 
Aplikasi pencarian Konsumen Bermasalah
Tidak membayar, Terlalu ribet atau sejenisnya  - Download dan Install
Tukang Cuci Baju (Laundry)
Aplikasi Pencarian Lokasi Loundry  - Download dan Install
Pasar Desain
Aplikasi Pencarian Tukang Desain Logo Banner dan sejenisnya  - Download dan Install
Pejuang Jimpitan
Aplikasi Pencatatan Uang Jimpitan Online, Note and auto Share  - Download dan Install
Kas Event O
Aplikasi Pencatatan dan Sharing Keuangan saat Event tertentu seperti Walimahan, Mantenan, Event Organizer, atau kegiatan yang melibatkan orang banyak dan dana dari orang banyak.  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Pencatat Kebutuhan Penting  - Download dan Install

Mau Analisa Bakat ? udah Komplit sama IQ dan EQ nya ... di AFTA aja #analisabakat #jurusankuliah

Mau Analisa Bakat ? udah Komplit sama IQ dan EQ nya ... di AFTA aja #analisabakat #jurusankuliah Ketahui Bakat lebih Mudah dengan Sidik jari...

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