Minggu, 27 Desember 2020

Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA REPORT Bagian 1

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A report usually talks about something concrete or which can be observed such as animals, plants, planets, and natural disasters.

Communicative purpose

The social purpose of report text is presenting information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, computers, countries of origin, transportation, and so on.

Generic structure :

General classification (general information)

Description (how they look, where they live, what they eat, how they move, reproduce)

Language features :

use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;

use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;

some use of action verbs when describing behavior, eg Emus cannot fly;

use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea;

use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;

use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.

Example :


A mangrove is a tropical marine tree. Mangroves have special aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots which enable them to thrive in brackish water. Brackish water is salty but not as salty as sea water. Mangrove trees are commonly planted and found in coastal areas. Mangroves can serve as walls of protection for natural disaster in coastal area like tsunami. According to BBC News, healthy mangrove forests had helped save lives in the Asia disaster tsunami and people tended to respect these natural barriers even more, especially after the tsunami.

There are several species of mangrove tree found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity, while others like to be very-close to a large fresh water source such as river. Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water every day during high tide. Other species grow on dry land but are still part of the ecosystem. The Times of India reported that rare species of mangrove had been found and was also known as the looking-glass tree, probably because the leaves are silver-coated.

Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leave above the surface of the water. Yet they also need to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves.

Any part of root that appears above the water flows oxygen to the plant under water surface. as the soil begin to build up, these roots procedure additional roots that become embedded in the soil.


The following is the text for question number 1 to 4

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is a marsupial found in southern and eastern Australia. It is also known as the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Forester Kangaroo.

The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is easy to recognize. Its soft grey coat is distinctive. It is usually found in moister, more fertile areas than the Red. Grey Kangaroos eyes seem large and wide open. The Eastern grey's colouration is a light-coloured grey or brownish-grey, with a lighter silver or cream, sometimes nearly white, belly. The Western-grey is a dark dusty brown colour, with more contrast especially around the head. 

1. What is the text about?

A. Kinds of kangaroos.

B. The description of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo.

C. Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroos. 

D. Kangaroos in Australia.

E. The explanation of how kangaroos live.\

2. Which statement is TRUE about the Eastern Grey Kangaroo?

A. It is difficult to recognize.

B. It is a dark dusty brown colour. 

C. It is found in northern Australia.

D. It is also known as the Forester Kangaroo. 

E. It is usually found in more infertile areas than the Red.

3. "It is usually found in moister, more fertile ...." (Paragraph 2)

The word 'it' here refers to .... 

A. the Eastern Grey Kangaroo 

B. the Southern Grey Kangaroo 

C. the Western Grey Kangaroo 

D. the Brown Kangaroo

E. the Red Kangaroo.

4. "Its soft grey coat is distinctive." (Paragraph 2) 

The synonym of the underlined word is .... 

A. large

B. explicit

C. beautiful

D. important 

E. unique

The following text is for questions number 5 to 8. 

Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious looking animals. Their long head and snout look like tubes, and they have no teeth at all. Their front legs are very strong and armed with heavy curved claws with which they break open the nets of ants and termites and then, when the insects rush out, use their long, sticky tongues to lick them up at great speed.

True ant-eaters are found in the swamps and forests of central and South America. Scaly ant-eaters, or pangolins, are found in Africa and tropical Asia.

Various other insect-eating animals are sometimes called ant-eaters, although they really belong to other groups of animals. One of them is the ant-bear, which lives on the plains of South and Central Africa. This has long, erect ears but short blunt claws, an almost hairless tail, yellow brown in color. Unlike the true ant-eaters, it has small teeth.

5. The text tells us ….

A. The story of ant-eaters

B. The description of ant-eaters

C. The report of ant-eaters

D. The explanation of ant-eater’s body

E. The discussion of ant-eaters

6. The second paragraph describes about ….

A. Uses of ant-eaters

B. Growth of ant-eaters

C. Habitat of ant-eaters

D. Species of ant-eaters

E. Part of ant-eater’s body

7. “…when the insects rush out, use their long, …” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined phrase means ….

A. Attack

B. Bite

C. Force

D. Fight

E. Get

8. By reading the text above, the readers can get…

A. A live-description of the ant-eaters in general. 

B. A live-description of the way ant-eaters live. 

C. An illustration of the ant-eaters that the writer has. 

D. A story about the ant-eaters’ life. 

E. The discussion of the importance of knowing how the ant-eaters’ life. 

The following text is for questions number 9 to 11


The heart is the most important part of the body. It is the center of life. However, the heart is only as big as a closed hand.  The heart is a muscle and it beats about seventy times per minute throughout a person’s life. 

The heart pumps blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The heart is made up of four chambers or small “rooms”. The top chambers are called the right and left auricles and the bottom chambers are the right and left ventricles. 

When blood enters the heart, it is in dark reddish color because it contains carbon

dioxide. The blood enters the right auricle and then the right ventricle. When the heart

contracts, it forces the blood to the lungs where the blood receives oxygen. It then goes to the left auricle. The heart contracts again, and the blood goes to the left ventricle and isthen forced out into the body. The blood gathers carbon dioxide and returns to the heart, and the process begins again. 

9. The purpose of the author in writing the text above is to give … to the readers. 

A. The description of the phenomenon  of  heart 

B. The story about the phenomenon of heart

C. The classification of hearth in living things

D. The explanation about the functions of hearth in bodies 

E. The discussion of the phenomenon of hearth.

10. Based on the text above, we can conclude that … 

A. Hearth is as significant as brain in a body. 

B. No health body without heart

C. Heart is the most essential organ for every body. 

D. Heart has two parts; left auricle and right auricle. 

E. Heart contracts and presses the oxigen to the lungs through the blood. 

11. The blood gathers carbon dioxide and returns to the heart, and the process begins again. The underlined word has the similar meaning with … 

A. Infers

B. Assumes

C. Picks

D. Increase

E. Fold 

The following text is for questions number 12  to 14


Tyrannosaurus rex, sometimes just called T-rex, is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth's land ever to have existed. This dinosaur once roams the Earth in the Creataceous period approximately 68 to 65 million years ago.

As a carnivorous dinosaur, this giant predator most likely ambushed their prey, and devoured them with jaws full of white sharp teeth. With it's fast ability to run at an astonishing speed of 32 mph (50 kmh), a perfect slim and stiff tail that gave it an excellent balance and allowed it to make quick turns, equipped this gigantic predator and made it even more deadly, like a killing machine.

12. The text above is purposed to give the readers…

A. An explanation about Tyrannosaurus rex

B. a description of the phenomenon  of  Tyrannosaurus rex

C. a story about the phenomenon of Tyrannosaurus rex

D. a classification of Tyrannosaurus rex 

E. a discussion of Tyrannosaurus rex

13. Wrom the text above, we can conclude that…

A. T-rex is a languid fearsome predator.

B. T-rex was found in 68 to 65 million years ago.

C. T-rex has been extinc for million years ago.

D. T-rex is known as an unenthusiastic predator 

E. T-rex prefer killing its prey rather than eating it. 

14. Tyrannosaurus rex, sometimes just called T-rex, is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth's land ever to have existed. (Paragraph 1) 

The underlined word means…

A. Disguishing 

B. Amazing 

C. Haunting 

D. Worrying

E. Frightening 

The following text is for questions number  to 15 to 17


A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea. 

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, for use sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour. 

The largest kangaroos grow up to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life. 

15. The text is … 

A. A description of a kangoroo. 

B. An illustration of Australian kangaroo. 

C. A description of the life of kangaroo.

D. An illustration of the characteristics of a kangaroo. 

E. A general description of kangaroo

16. The following is one of the characteristiics of kangaroo… 

A. Kangaroos are carnivores. 

B. Kangaroos’ front legs are longer than back legs.

C. Kangaroos’ baby lives in their mothers’ pouch when they feel tired 

D. Kangaroos can move fast. 

E. Kangaroos are good in jumping, running and climbing. 

17. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea. The underlined word refers to… 

A. Kangaroos 

B. Relatives of wallaby 

C. Wallaby 

D. Kangaroos’ babies 

E. Marsupials 

The following text is for questions number 18  to 20


Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but form a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).  

Snakes have no legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground. 

Snakes often sun bake on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded and they need the sun’s warmth to heat their body up. Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in trees; some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs. 

A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizards, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even wild boars. 

Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Boa Constrictors can give you a bear hug which is so powerful. It can crush every single bone in your body. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The Flying Snakes glides away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders. 

18. The text is about … 

A. A description of a snake. 

B. An illustration of some snakes. 

C. A description of the life of snakes. 

D. An illustration of the characteristics of a snake. 

E. A general description of snakes. 

19. The following statements are correct according to the text… 

A. Snakes live on rocks. 

B. Big snakes’ diet may be small crocodiles and wild boars. 

C. Snakes like to sun bake on rocks in the winter. 

D. Big snakes protects theirselves from danger by scaring enemies. 

E. Snakes’ technique in protecting theirselves from danger requires sugar. 

20. It can crush every single bone in your body. (Paragraph 5).

The underlined word refers to…

A. Boa 

B. Hug 

C. A bear

D. Snake 

E. Fang 

The following text is for questions number 21 to 24 

Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of animals. Most people know it as the substance used to make a jellylike salad or dessert. Not only is it useful in making these foods, but it is also beneficial to the consumer because of its high protein content. Gelatin is also commonly used in the photographic industry and in making medicinal capsules.

The process for producing gelatine is a long and complex one. In the processing of gelatine made from bones, which varies slightly from that of gelatine make from skin, the grease first must be eliminated. Then, the bones are soaked in a solution of hydrochloric acid in order to rid them of minerals and are washed several ties in water. Next, the bones are placed in distilled water, heated to over 90oF for a few hours, placed in fresh distilled water, and then heated again at a little over 100oF. A fluid forms from this heating, and it is concentrated, chilled, and sliced. Finally, it is dried and ground. In its final form, gelatine is white, tasteless, and odourless.

21. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. The Process of Making Gelatin.

B. A Great Dessert.

C. Uses for Bones.

D. Protein Foods.

E. Gelatin Process.

22. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The substances for making gelatine.

B. The process of producing gelatine.

C. The advantages of bones and skin.

D. The importance of fresh water.

E. The proteins in the gelatine.

23. Which of the following is true?

A. The chemical used in making gelatine comes off the surface of the bones by rinsing with water.

B. Gelatin made from skin is produced in the same way as that made from bones.

C. Grease probably does not aid in producing gelatine.

D. When the gelatine is dried, it is in powder form.

E. A fluid does not form from this heating.

24. “…the grease first must be eliminated.” (Paragraph 2) What does the underlined word mean?

A. Fat.

B. Mineral

C. Junk.

D. Protein

E. Acid.

The following is the text for question number 25 to 29

Dengue fever is an acute febrile  disease, found in the tropics and Africa, with a geographical spread similar to malaria.   Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which feeds during the day.

        This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden onset of fever, with severe headache, muscle and joint pains and rashes. The dengue rash is characteristically bright red petechia and usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest; in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

    The classic dengue fever lasts about six to seven days, with a smaller peak of fever at the trailing end of the disease. Clinically, the platelet count will drop until the patient's temperature is normal. The diagnosis of dengue is usually made clinically. The classic picture is high fever with no localizing source of infection, a petechial rash with thrombocytopenia and relative leukopenia.


 25. What is the text about?

A. Dengue fever.

B. The infectious disease.

C. The dangerous disease.

D. The diagnosis of dengue.

E. Aedes aegypti mosquito

26. What does the second paragraph describe?

A. The symptoms of dengue fever disease.

B. The color of dengue rash.

C. The infectious disease.

D. Abdominal pain. 

E. Joint pains.

27.  What is not the sign of people who are infected by dengue fever disease?

A. Fever

B. Joint pain

C. Headache

D. Sore throat

E. Muscle pain

28. ‘Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which feeds during the day…’ (Paragraph 1)

       The underlined word can be replaced with …

A. exposed

B. informed

C. protected

D. exhibited

E. passed on

 29. ‘This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden onset of fever, with severe  headache, muscle and joint pains and rashes.’ (Paragraph 2)

      What does the underlined word mean?

A. transmitted

B. introduced

C. infected.

D. caused

E. shown

The following text is for questions number 30  to 33

The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the Artic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole.

The polar bears live at the North Pole. There is only snow, ice, and water. There is no any land.

These bears are three meters long, and weigh 450 kilos. They can stand up on their bag legs because they have very wide feet. They can use their front legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well. They can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. They catch fish and sea animals for food. They go into the sea when they are afraid.

People like to kill the polar bears for their beautiful white coats. The Government of Canada, the United States and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.

30. What does the passage mainly discuss ?

A. The size of polar bear.

B. Where polar bears live ?

C. The description of polar bears.

D. There are no polar bears at the South Pole

E. Polar bears are hunted because of their beautiful white coats.

31. What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?

A. Polar bears are very big animals.

B. The polar bears are tame animals.

C. Polar bears live at the North Pole.

D. There are no polar bears at the South Pole.

E. Polar bears are hunted because of their beautiful white coats.

32. Which of the following statement is not true about a polar bear ?

A. A polar bear weights 450 kilos.

B. A polar bear is three meters long.

C. A polar bear catches fish for food.

D. A polar bear goes into the sea when it is angry.

E. A polar bear can swim 120 kilometers out into the water.

33. A polar bear goes into the sea when it is afraid.

The word “afraid” is closest in meaning to ….

A. Shy

B. furious

C. angry

D. scared

E. shocked

The following text is for questions number 34 to 35

Sleep has been described as one of the physiological needs. Most animals must sleep in order to stay alive as well as to retain their normal capacities for doing other things. Many animals, including men, the birds, and some domestic animals, take one long period of sleep each day. Other animals, such as the rat, and human babies, sleep more often, alternating a few hours of sleep with a few hours of working. In any case, whether the periods of sleep is long or short they always . Fall into some kind of rhythm or cycle of sleep and waking.

34. What is the main idea of the passage ?

A. Sleep is important for human beings and animals.

B. Men and birds sleep longer than rats and human babies.

C. Rats, cats, and human babies have more sleeping hours than waking hours.

D. Animals need sleep to avoid losing their capacities for doing their activities.

E. There is a kind of rhythm or cycle of sleep and waking in men and animals life.

35. Which statements is NOT TRUE according to the text ?

A. Men and animals need sleep.

B. Animals sleep longer than men.

C. Sleep can keep living things alive.

D. Some animals sleep more often than men.

E. There is a kind of rhythm or cycle of sleep and waking.

The following text is for questions number 36 to 37

The fox is a clever mammal that has large ears and a long, bushy tail. It lives in many different habitats, including forests, deserts, scrub, plains, grassland, and Arctic snow. Many live in the area where forests meet farms. Foxes are found in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North and South America. A fox can live up to 13 years in captivity. Predators of the fox include the wolf and man. Foxes will double back on their own tracks in order to confuse their enemies.

       A male fox is called a renyard, the female is called a vixen, and the baby is called a kit. A group of foxes is called a skulk or leash.

       Foxes range from 14 to 39 inches (36 to 99 cm) long with a tail 7 to 20 inches (18 to 51 cm) long. The long, bushy tail, sometimes called a sweep, helps the fox change direction quickly and keeps the fox’s feet and nose warm when it curls up to sleep. Foxes have sharp curved claws, sharp teeth, and thick insulating fur.

36.  The fox is a clever mammal that large ears and a long bushy tail.

       The underlined word means ….  

A. Funny

B. Wavy

C. Big

D. Fancy

E. Hairy

37. Which information is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. A fox is a mammal

B. Foxes range from 36 to 99 inches

C. The baby of the fox is called a kit

D. Foxes can live in forests, deserts, plains, and  Artic snow

E. A fox has sharp curved claws and sharp teeth

The  following text is for questions number 38 to 40

A  mangrove is a tropical maritime tree or shrub of the genous Rhisophora. Mangroves have special aerial roots and salt-filtrring tap roots that enable them to thrive in brackish water ( brackish water is salty, but not as salty as sea water )

      There are several species of mangrove trees found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity, while others like to be very close to a large fresh water source ( such as a river ). Some prefer areas that are saltered from waves.  And some species have their roots covered with sea. Others are more sensitive to salinity, and grow closer to the shore. Other species grow on dry land, but are still part of the ecosytem.

      Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leaves above the water line. Yet they also need to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves. There are three types of mangrove roots that help in this process.

1. Support roots which directly pierce the soil.

2. Level-growing roots which the upward twists emerge on the water surface.

3. Level-growing roots which the downwards twists (sub-roots) appear on the water surface. Any part of a root that appears above the water line channels oxygen to the plane below the water line. Over time as soil begins to build up, these roots produce additional roots that become embadded in the soil.

38. The second paragraph focuses on ….

A. The ecosystem of  mangrove

B. The type of mangrove roots

C. The type of mangrove trees

D. The trunk and leaves of mangrove

E. The description of mangrove

39. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. Mangrove tree can only grow in the sea shore

B. Mangrove tree can’t grow on dry land

C. The upwards twists of mangrove appear on the water surface

D. Mangrove is a sub tropical maritime tree

E. Mangrove trees can be found all over the world

40. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To entertain the readers with a story about mangrove

B. To describe mangrove in general

C. To inform the readers about mangrove

D. To retell about mangrove

E. To explain about mangrove 

The following text is for questions number 41 to 43

Whales are sea-living mammals. They, therefore, breathe air but can not survive on land. Some species are very large indeed. The blue whale, for example, can exceed 30 m in length and is the largest animal to have lived on earth. 

       Superficially, the whale  looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its structure; its tail consists of a pair of board, flat horizontal paddles while the tail of fish is vertical, and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shinny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). It can be up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.

41.  The second paragraph is mainly about the fact that ….

A. There is no difference between a whale and a fish A. B.

B. The tail of the whale is vertical B. C.

C. There are some differences between a whale and a fish A. B.

D. The skin of a fish is smooth and shinny C. D.

E. A fish has a single nostril on top of its large broad head

E. F.

42. The blue whale, for example, can exceed  30 m in length and is the largest animals to have live on earth.             

       The   underlined word means ....

A. Surpass

B. Develop

C. Measure

D. Weigh

E. Expand

43. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. No whale reaches 30 m in length

B. Whales are mammals

C. The blubber of  whales is used to maintain heat

D. Whales look similar to fish

E. Whales and fish are different

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Untuk mencoba jadi siswa silahkan input data siswa dengan Nomor HP lain (Siswa Tidak perlu Install).
Video Penjelasan Klik Disini

Ada 2 Paket Pembelian yang bisa dipilih

Paket Ekonomis, 
  • Rp 100 ribu 
  • Sudah termasuk Kuota 3000 Notifikasi WA
  • Selanjutnya Rp 20 per Notifikasi WA
  • memakai Aplikasi yang sudah ada.
Aplikasi Server WhatsApp Mandiri,
  • Harga 3 jt
  • Sudah termasuk Kuota 20.000 Notifikasi WA
  • Sudah termasuk HP untuk Server (Harga HP sekitar 1,3 jt an)
  • Selanjutnya Rp 10 per Notifikasi WA untuk biaya database.
  • Dengan adanya server WhatsApp sendiri, Chat WA Masuk bisa terpantau di Komputer.
  • lama pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 hari.
  • Syarat menyediakan HP Android os.7.+ yang akan hidup 24 jam online di lokasi Anda sendiri yang bertugas menerima data dan mengirim dalam bentuk WhatsApp.
  • Video Penjelasan Server WA Klik Disini
Asumsi Biaya Notifikasi
  • Untuk Bimbel 50 siswa biaya Notif WA Bulanan sekitar Rp 12 ribuan. 
WhatsApp 081391005464

Aplikasi Bimbel

Fungsi Utama
  • Database Siswa dan Tutor.
  • Pencatatan Kehadiran, Pembayaran, Jadwal dan Nilai.
  • Admin buka dalam bentuk Website, Untuk Siswa dan Tutor buka di Aplikasi Android.
  • Pencarian Cepat Status Siswa (Menunggak Bayar dan Hadir Terakhir Kapan).
  • Absen Siswa dilakukan di HP Tutor (Login), dan akan dikirimkan Notif ke Ortu bahwa siswa telah hadir, begitu pula dengan Pembayaran dan Nilai.
  • Broadcast Info seperti Jadwal, Tidak masuk Les dll.
Ada 2 Paket yg bisa dipilih 
  • Aplikasi Go Bimbel - Harga Rp 300 ribu
  • Aplikasi Android dengan Nama Bimbel Sendiri - Harga 1,3 juta - lama pembuatan 15 harian
Contoh Aplikasi Bimbel untuk Simulasi
Admin, Ketik contohadmin.aqilacourse.net dengan Google Chrome di Laptop
Nomor HP  1   Password 1
Siswa dan Tutor. buka di Aplikasi Androidnya Download dan Install
Biaya Berjalan
  • Biaya Tahunan Rp 100 ribu
  • Biaya Info Rp 20/kirim (Optional)
Video Penjelasan Penggunaan Klik Disini
Setelah Pembayaran
Anda akan mendapat Akun ke gobimbel.net dan  Aplikasi Android Go Bimbel
WhatsApp 081391005464

Aplikasi TryOut

  • Harga 1,5 juta
  • Aplikasi Android dengan Nama Bimbel/Sekolah Anda sendiri
  • Lama Pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 hari
  • Biaya berjalan Rp 20 per aplikasi dibuka
Tujuan Aplikasi
  • Promosi Bimbel
  • Hemat Kertas untuk Modul, Soal TryOut dan Soal Lomba.
  • Landing Page Bimbel seperti website namun dalam bentuk Aplikasi.
  • Share Kegiatan Bimbel seperti Wall Facebook.
  • Mode Lanjutan, Aplikasi bisa digunakan sebagai media jual konten belajar (Hanya yang berlangganan yang bisa akses).
NB :
Konten Aplikasi masih Kosong jadi perlu di isi sendiri. Anda perlu menyiapkan Video, Materi dan Soal.
Contoh Aplikasi Terapan Download dan Install
Contoh Aplikasi untuk Simulasi Input Soal dll -  Download dan Install
Login jadi Admin HP 0123456789 Password 1234
Cara input soal, Materi dan Video Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464

Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari

Harga Rp 100K/analisa
Biaya di Transfer setelah Hasil Analisa dikirimkan karena kadang Sidik Jari Tidak terlihat.
Ada 2 cara Pengiriman Data
  1. Menggunakan Scanner Dokument (Scanner di Printer Fotocopy sudah cukup).
  2. Foto dengan Kamera HP 1 jari 1 foto dan kasih label yaa ...
Kirimkan :
Manfaat Analisa :
  • Mengetahui IQ dan EQ Bawaan untuk menyesuaikan kecepatan belajar.
  • Mengetahui Keseimbangan Otak Kiri dan Kanan dimana hal ini akan mempengaruhi Gaya Kerja, Cara Berfikir, Tingkah laku dan Posisi Kerja. 
  • Mengetahui Bakat Alami, Kecerdasan Majemuk, Sifat Bawaan untuk selanjutnya bisa dikembangkan dan Mengantisipasi Kelemahan.
  • Memperkirakan Jurusan Pendidikan yang cocok.
  • Memperkirakan Posisi Kerja yang lebih relevan.
  • Memperkirakan Pekerjaan yang dengan Kemungkinan Sukses lebih banyak.
  • Mengetahui Kemampuan yang Paling menonjol yang ada pada diri Anda.
  • Penyaluran Hobi yang cocok untuk kegiatan setelah Pensiun.
Hasil Analisa
  • Hasil Analisa Dalam bentuk PDF 13 Halaman dikirim langsung melalui WhatsApp.
  • Contoh Hasil Analisa Klik Disini  
Video Pembahasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini 
Info Lengkap silahkan download di Aplikasi - Download dan Install
WhatsApp 081391005464

Kemitraan Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

  • Peluang usaha membuka Outlet Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari. 
  • Apabila Anda telah memiliki Outlet Penjualan seperti Bimbel, Ekspedisi, Kafe, Warung dan sejenisnya, Analisa ini dapat menambah ragam usaha Anda.
  • Analisa SJB ini bisa digunakan di Sekolah, Madrasah, Pondok Pesantren, Bimbel,  Perusahaan, Biro Psikologi atau yang membutuhkan Analisa Bakat. Dengan Sistem ini Mitra bisa mendapatkan Harga lebih terjangkau namun perlu membuat Tim Pengambilan data dan Pencetakkan Hasil Analisa.
Info Lengkap Tentang Analisa Bakat - Download Aplikasi SJB
  • Memiliki Scanner, Printer dan Komputer (Scanner bisa menggunakan Scanner di Printer fotocopy)
  • Mau Belajar untuk Menerangkan Hasil Analisa
Silahkan Pelajari terlebih dahulu penjelasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini
Biaya Kemitraan
  • Pendaftaran Kemitraan Rp 500 ribu (termasuk 10 analisa)
  • Rp 50 ribu / analisa (Harga jual minimal Rp 100 ribu)
Alur Kerja
  • Pelanggan di-scan 10 jari dan Telapak Tangan
  • Kirimkan Hasil Scan resolusi tinggi (JPG) melalui WA atau email aqilabakat@gmail.com
  • Setelah pengukuran selesai, Hasil Analisa dikirimkan ke Anda, 
  • silahkan cetak dan berikan ke Pelanggan
  • Jika diperlukan tambahkan sedikit Penjelasan.
Target Pasar
  • TK Paud Mendeteksi masalah lebih dini tentang adanya kelainan otak
  • Memberikan Alternatif Solusi untuk anak yang mengalami masalah baik tingkah laku maupun belajar
  • Mengetahui Tipe Kecerdasan yang mungkin bisa dikembangkan
  • Penjusan SMA / Kuliah
  • Posisi kerja yang lebih cocok
  • Penghasilan tambahan / Hobi yang menghasilkan
  • Usaha untuk Persiapan Pensiun
Perbedaan dengan Produk Sejenis
  • Hasil berupa angka sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai pembanding dengan orang lain yang telah melakukan Analisa. Produk sejenis hanya dapat melihat Potensi terbesar pada diri sendiri.
  • Hasil Analisa lebih sederhana dan mudah dipahami.
  • Dapat mendeteksi Kelainan Otak lebih dini.
  • Pengambilan data oleh Mitra Lebih mudah dan Murah hanya menggunakan scanner dokumen biasa (Printer 3 in 1 sudah mencukupi).


Contoh Hasil Analisa - Download Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464


Keagenan Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

  • Peluang usaha membuka Outlet dan Cabang Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari. 
  • Apabila Anda telah memiliki Outlet Penjualan seperti Bimbel, Ekspedisi, Kafe, Warung dan sejenisnya, Analisa ini dapat menambah ragam usaha Anda.
  • Analisa SJB ini bisa digunakan di Sekolah, Madrasah, Pondok Pesantren, Bimbel,  Perusahaan, Biro Psikologi atau yang membutuhkan Analisa Bakat. Dengan Sistem ini Mitra bisa mendapatkan Harga lebih terjangkau namun perlu membuat Tim Pengambilan data dan Pencetakkan Hasil Analisa.
Keuntungan menjadi Agen
  • Bisa membuat jaringan sendiri baik agen dibawahnya atau jaringan kemitraan sendiri
  • Biaya Kuota Analisa lebih murah
  • Dapat mencetak langsung Hasil Analisa di Tempat pengambilan data dalam waktu kurang dari 10 menit.
Info Lengkap Tentang Analisa Bakat - Download Aplikasi SJB
Alur kerja pengambilan data
  • Menentukan pola 10 ujung jari dan mengukur keliling Segitiga ATD di telapak Tangan.
  • Menginput data di Software - Login ke sidikjari.aqilacourse.net.
  • Mencetak Hasil Analisa.
  • Memberikan ke Pelanggan dan menjelaskan hasil Analisa.
Sistem Pembayaran dan Biaya
  • Biaya Pendaftaran 1 juta (mendapatkan 50 Kuota Cetak)
  • Kuota Cetak akan berkurang saat Anda menginput data, 1 analisa = 1 kuota cetak.
  • Selanjutnya Rp 20 ribu /Kuota Cetak.
Bagaimana menentukan pola dan penjelasan lainnya - Link Video Klik Disini
Silahkan Pelajari juga penjelasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini
Apabila Anda mengalami Kesulitan, 
Anda bisa melakukan Pelatihan/Training.
Biaya Training
  • Pelatihan di Aqila Magelang 1,5 juta - Khusus di Hari Minggu yaaa ... 
  • Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah Rp 1,5 jt + Transport
  • Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Jakarta Rp 2 jt + Transport
  • Luar Jawa Rp 4 jt + Transport
Tentang Training
  • Total biaya Training akan di konversi menjadi Kuota jadi sebenarnya itu hanya seperti membeli Kuota Cetak. 
  • Misal Total biaya Training Rp 2,5 jt maka akan di tambahkan Rp 2,5 jt : 20 rb = 125 Kuota Analisa.
  • Calon Agen yang mengikuti Training Bebas biaya Pendaftaran
  • Lama Training sekitar 6 jam.
  • Lebih baik peserta training lebih dari 5 orang karena tidak pasti setiap peserta training bisa melakukan analisa setelah pelatihan.
  • Biaya Transport yang dimaksud dianggap dengan Transportasi Umum dihitung dari Magelang
Perbedan Keagenan dengan Kemitraan terletak di siapakah yang menentukan pola.
Agen menentukan Pola dan Input data Sendiri sedangkan Mitra, pola ditentukan oleh pusat sehingga Mitra perlu mengirimkan Data dalam bentuk Gambar (Scan) ke Pusat.
Contoh Hasil Analisa - Download Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464


Aplikasi Admin Rental Mobil

Fungsi :
  • Booking Mobil oleh Admin / Agen
  • Data Mobil Keluar Hari ini
  • Pencarian Mobil yg Ready
  • Rekap Setoran Harian, Rekap Bulanan
  • Bisa dibuka di Banyak HP dgn Data yg Sama
Download Aplikasi Administrasi Rental Mobil - Klik Disini
Coba Login jadi Admin
  • HP Pemilik 012345678910
  • Nomor HP 012345678910
  • Password 12345
  • Memakai Aplikasi yg sudah ada Rp 400 rb akan mendapatkan Akun untuk Login Jumlah Mobil dan Agen tidak terbatas.
  • Aplikasi Sendiri dengan Nama Rental Sendiri Rp 2,5 juta (Lama pembuatan sekitar 15 hari)
  • Aplikasi Master bisa menjual lagi Akun di dalam Aplikasi Rp 7 juta (lama pembuatan sekitar 30 hari)
Info Lengkap - Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464

Katalog Produk - Simpel Online Store

  • Aplikasi Toko Online yang sangat Sederhana seperti yang ada di WhatsApp Bisnis namun dalam Bentuk Aplikasi Android dan Tampil di PlayStore dengan Nama Usaha / Toko Anda sendiri.
  • Pembeli yang tertarik membeli langsung menghubungi Anda melalui WhatsApp dengan mengklik tombol WhatsApp di Aplikasi.
Fungsi Utama
  • Landing Page yang lebih murah dan simpel
  • Marketing yang lebih mudah
  • Katalog Produk / Dagangan yang dihubungkan dengan Tombol WhatsApp
Apa yang berbeda ?
  • Satu Toko Satu Aplikasi
  • Input data dan Share Link Aplikasi di Medsos seminggu sekali dan biarkan berkembang dengan sendirinya.
  • Memakai nama Tempat Usaha / Toko Anda sendiri di PlayStore, jadi isi Aplikasi hanya ada Produk / Dagangan Anda Sendiri.
  • TIDAK ADA fungsi Keranjang, Transaksi dan chat di Aplikasi sehingga Anda tidak perlu membuka Aplikasi tiap hari.
Harga Pembuatan Aplikasi
  • Rp 500 ribu
  • Lama Pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 harian
Biaya berjalan
  • Aplikasi ini sudah dibuat semi offline jadi harga Server bisa lebih ditekan yaitu :
  • Rp 5 per View.
  • Satu View sama dengan Satu kali Aplikasi dibuka
  • Saat pembelian sudah termasuk 20K View jadi perkiraan tahun berikutnya baru menambah kuota View sekitar 50 ribuan untuk 10K View.
Hal yang perlu di mengerti
  • Aplikasi layaknya sebuah Tanaman
  • Tidak langsung berbuah saat ditanam dan perlu dirawat setiap hari dan setelah beberapa bulan / tahun baru berbuah.
  • Begitu pula dengan Aplikasi, perlu di share setiap hari dan akan menjadi media marketing setelah paling tidak terdownload lebih dari 1000 kali.
Contoh Aplikasi 
WhatsApp 081391005464


Beberapa Aplikasi Buatan Kami


Aplikasi Pembantu BroadCast WhatsApp
Aplikasi Broadcast WA, Marketing Gratis kalau punya HP nganggur os 7 ke atas
versi Free udah bisa kirim 500 Nomor dalam sekali Event. download Aplikasinya (pakai Link Gdrive karena udah di takedown oleh PlayStore) - Download dan Install
Informasi Lengkapnya Klik Disini
Aplikasi Pasang Iklan Gratis  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Tukeran Nomor HP  
Marketing Gratis dengan Status WA dengan cara saling simpan nomor HP - Download dan Install
Analisa Kepribadian dari Tanda tangan  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Tafsir Mimpi  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi 99 Cerita Motivasi  - Download dan Install
Analisa Kepribadian dan Mata  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Hobi Senter  
Aplikasi Pencatatan Hasil Review dan Uji Nyala dari berbagai jenis Senter - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Middle Brain Activation 
Menambah Kecerdasan dengan Mengaktifkan Otak Tengah  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Magelang Iklan Gratis  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Jual Beli ide  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Absen Karyawan  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Catatan Hutang Piutang  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Dompet Saya  - Download dan Install
Konsumen Rewel 
Aplikasi pencarian Konsumen Bermasalah
Tidak membayar, Terlalu ribet atau sejenisnya  - Download dan Install
Tukang Cuci Baju (Laundry)
Aplikasi Pencarian Lokasi Loundry  - Download dan Install
Pasar Desain
Aplikasi Pencarian Tukang Desain Logo Banner dan sejenisnya  - Download dan Install
Pejuang Jimpitan
Aplikasi Pencatatan Uang Jimpitan Online, Note and auto Share  - Download dan Install
Kas Event O
Aplikasi Pencatatan dan Sharing Keuangan saat Event tertentu seperti Walimahan, Mantenan, Event Organizer, atau kegiatan yang melibatkan orang banyak dan dana dari orang banyak.  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Pencatat Kebutuhan Penting  - Download dan Install

Mau Analisa Bakat ? udah Komplit sama IQ dan EQ nya ... di AFTA aja #analisabakat #jurusankuliah

Mau Analisa Bakat ? udah Komplit sama IQ dan EQ nya ... di AFTA aja #analisabakat #jurusankuliah Ketahui Bakat lebih Mudah dengan Sidik jari...

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