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Read the text and answer questions 1 to 4
Chimpanzees are human’s closest relatives compared to any other ape.They like to stay on the ground,but they climb among the trees.Their hands and feet can easily grip branches and object,because their hobby is swimming.Chimps like to search for termites,ants and never refuse of sweet fruit and nuts.Chimpanzees communicate with each other using a wide varietky of sound.
1.What is the favourite place for chimpanaees to stay…………….
A.Among the trees C.On the ground
B.On the branches D.On a certain object
Answer:C.On the ground
2.The followings are chimpanzees’ food,except………….
A.Small mammals C.Sweet fruit
B.Little insects D.Nuts
Answer:A.small mammals
3.What does the text tell us about………….
A.Chimpanzees’ physical appearance
B.Chimpanzees’ habitats
C.The diet of chimpanzees
D.Chimpanzees’ habitats
Answer:B.Chimpanzees’ habitats
4.”Chimpanzees are humans’ closest relatives compared to any other ape”.
What does the “relatives” mean…………….
A.A thing that belongs to the some group as something else
B.The process of the comparing to or more people or things
C.The position of somebody or something in organization
D.The way people behave in a certain group
Answer:A.A thing that belongs to the some group as something else
Read the text and answer questions 5 to 8
Jellyfish qarev not really fish.They are invertecrate animals.Tkhe means tahat unlike fish or people,they no back bones.ln fact,the have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mounths,but no heads.They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them,but no brains.They are made almost entirely of the water,whinch is why you can look through them.
Some jellyfish can glow in darknees by making their own light.The light is made by a chemichal reaction inside the jellyfish.Scientsts believe jellyfish glow for several reasons.For examples,they may glow to scare a way predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water,aport from a few types that live in fresh water.Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world.They live in worm,tropicalseas and in icy waters near the north and south poles.
5.Which one cerates jellyfish’s light………………
A.White blood C.Chemical reaction
B.Nervous sistem D.Salt water
Answer:C.Chemical reaction
6.Which on is TRUE about the jellyfish based on the text………………………
A.They belong to invertebrate animals
B.They have heads like other animals
C.Their brain helps them find the food
D.They cannot live in fresh water
Answer:A.They belong to invertebrate animals
7.What is the text about…………….
A.Jellyfish C.All invertebrate animals
B.Kinds of all fish D.Some kinds of sea animals
8.”Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light”
They word “glow” in the sentence means…………….
A.Move C.Appear
B.Produce D.Shine
Read the text and answer questions 9 to11
Whales are sea living mammals.They;there fore,breathe air,but cannoy survice on land.Some speices are very large in deed on the blue whale,which can exceed 30m in length,is the largest animals to have lived on earth.Superfically,the whale looks like a first,but there are important differences in its external structure:its tail consist of a pair of broadmflat.horizontal paddles(the tail of a fish is vertical),and it has a single nostril on top of its largembroad head the skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of far(blubber)thisis up to 30 cm in the thickness and serves to convers heat and body fruits.
9.What is the text about……………..
A.Kinds of fish C.Sea animals
B.The whales D.All animals
Answer:B.The whales
10.The following are the proofs that whales are not fish ,except…………………….
A.It has single nostril
B.It cannot survice on land
C.The skin is smooth and shiny
D.Its tail consists of a pair of broad,flat horizontal paddles.
Answer:D.Its tail consists of a pair of broad,flat horizontal paddles.
11.”……..,it the largest animals to have lived on earth.”
What does the underlined word above mean…………
A.Tallest C.Smallest
B.Fastest D.Biggest
Read the text and answer questions 12 to 16
What is the significance of rabbits’ large tars?
A rabbits is a small fury mammal with a short tail and pointed ears.Rabbits lives in burrows in the ground.Eash burrow is the home of single famil.The first fossils which can be attributed to this family come from north America,nut now they are bound in every part of the world.Compared to its small body,rabbit has large-slzed ears.
A rabbit is a week and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies.There fore,nature has gifted it with large ears to hekp it ti hear even the fun of drop sound.The large area of the ear catches almost avery sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear.This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to sofety zones.
You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears ny repeat edly licking its fore powns and rubbing them over the surface of its ears.It does the in order to keep its ears clean,and also to take into its mouth natural oil whigh surrounds the ear surface.This oil is important forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy dones.If the rabbit is not allowed to from this.It will develop nickets
12.What is the type of the text…………
A.Narrative C.Recount
B.Report D.Procedure
13.What is the schematic structure of the text…………………….
D.General classification-description
Answer:D.General classification-description
74.What is the purpose of the text……………..
A.To describe something
B.To tell about the past events
C.To argue that something happened illogical
D.To amuse the reader with the story
Answer:To argue thet something happened illo gical
15.Which part of the rabbit’s body produce natural oil?it’s……………
A.Forepaws C.Ears
B.Mouth D.Tail
16.What is the main idea of paragraph 2……………
A.How enemies surround a rabbit
B.How a rabbit detects its enemies
C.Why a rabbit has many enemies
D.Why a rabbit likes lighting
Amswer:C.Why a rabbit has many enemies
“Examples questions and the text Narrative”
Read the text and answer questions 19.From the story,we can learn that…
17 to 20 A.Trusting each other is very
Once upon a time,there were two important
Butterflies,teri amd roni.They were friends. B.The good ness is always the
Teri and Roni had the same crown. winner
One day,Kodi a frog,saw teri and roni. C.A wise friend can be trusted
“you took it!”said roni.”No ,I did not!” D.We shouldn’t accuse of others
said teri. Without proof
“Hey,what’s the matter?”asked kodi. Answer:D.We shouldn’t accuse
“Teri stole my crown!”said roni. Of other without proof
“No,I didn’t,”said teri. 20.From the story above we can
“Yesterday,I still had my crown when she conclude that kodi is a…….
came to visit me,”said roni. A.Wise C.Polite
“Today I cannot find the crown!Look !she B.Good D.Happy
is wearning it!”Roni shouted. Answer:B.Good
“My mom gave me this crown,”Teri explained. Read the following text to answer
Kodi suggested they all go to roni’s house. Questions 21 to 26.
“Where did you put it?”said kodi to roni. “The lonely landy”
“I put it on the table,”roni answered. One day,there was a porcupine named
They didn’t find the crown. Landy.He was lonel.No,one wanted to
“Maybe it fell down,”kodi looked under the play with him,because they were afraid
Table.Nothingwas there. Of this spike.
“It was my favourite crown!”roni sobbed. “Dear landy.We don’t want to play
“I didn’t steal fours,but if you like itso much, with you because your spikes are too
You,can have mine,”teri gave roni the crown. Sharp.We don’t want you to hurt us.
“it’s here1”kodi saw the crown behind the “said cici the rabbit one day.
Curtain roni stopped crying,”thank god,kodi “cici is right,landy.It is not because
found it!” you’re bad or rude to us,no,landy.
“Sorry,teri,I accused you.I’m a terrible friend!” just because of your spikes.,They
“it’s okay,”said teri.”Let’s say thank to kodi!” will stabt us if we close to you,”said
17.Where did kodi the crow………. Tito the rooster.
A.Under the table C.Behind the curtain Landy felt lonely.Landy spent most
B.On the table D.In the house of the time day dreaming at the river
Answer:C.Behind the curtain bank,”I would be happy if there were
18.”I put it on the table,……”(line 13) no spikes on my body.”
What does the underlined word refer to…….. Suddenly,kuku the turtle appeared
A.The crown C.The table from the river.He come landy and
B.The house D.The curtain said,”landy,what are you thinking of?
Answer:A.The crown “oh,nothing,”landy replied.
“don’t like to me,landy!who knows I
Can help you.”said kuku wisely.The sat C.Orintation-events-reorientation
Beside landy.He wasn’t afraid of landy’s D.Identification-description
spikes. Answer:B.Orientation-complication-
Shortly,landy told his problem.kuku nodded resolution-reorientation
His head.He said .”poor you.But it isn’t your 24.Which of the following sentences
Fault.I know,your spikes are very useful and Is TRUE according to the text……
Helpful for you.They will realize it someday. A.Kuku was afraid of landy very
Trust me!” much
“thanks,kuku.you are my best friends” B.Landy’s friends were afraid of his
One day koko the frog held his birthday party. Spikes at first.
He invinited all his friends,including landy.But C.Koko invited some his friends to
He decided not to come.He didn’t want to mess his party.
Up the party. D.Landy’s friends wanted wolf to
“I’ll come with you landy.I’ll tell every one that hurt him.
You’re harmless,”said kuku.Finally landy Answer:A.Kuku was afraid of
Attended landy very nuch.
The party.Every one enjoyed it. 25.”Don’t lie to me landy!”(pargraph7
Suddenly tito scremed.”hekp…..help……!the What does the word “me”refer to…
Evil wolf is coming.save your self!”then,every A.Tito the roaster
one saved their lives,except kuku and landy. B.Koko the frog
Kuku pilled his head and his leg into his shell. C.Cici the rabbit
And landy rolled his body into a ball. D.Kuku the turtle
Unitentionally,the evil wolf touched landy,of Answer:Kuku the turtle
Course,the spike pricked him.He screamed, 26.What can learn from the story
“ouch!”since his foat was bleeding,he didn’t above……………
Chase landy’s friends any omger.Then,he ran A.We like someone to ridicule each
A way. other
“Horray…..horray....!long live landy!he saved B.We have to help our friends and
Our lives.”said cici and her friends.They appreciate them
Thanked him from then on landy wasn’t C.We are disappointed to get a bad
Lonely any more. Physical appearance
D.We should not umderestimat
21.What is the type of the text……… someone’s bad physical
A.Narrative C.Recount appearance
B.Description D.Report Answer:B.We have to help our
Answer:A.Narrative friends and appearance them
22.What is the tenses of the text…….
A.Future tenses C.Present tenses
B.Past continous D.Past tenses
Answer:D.Past tenses
23.What is the schematic structure of the text…..
“Examples questions and the text procedure”
Read the text and answer questions -1/2 cup sliced carrots
27 to 30 -1/2 cup chopped leeks
Ingredients: -3 tablespoons of fresh chopped
-1/2 avocado parsely freshly ground black
-3 tbs of condensed milk pepper pich of salt
-1 can of coconut water and coconut Method:
Shavings -.Rinse the chicken.Place the
-some ice cubes chicken in a bowl and add
Steps: vegetables,and enough water
1.cut the avocado into small pieces to cover them.put the bowl into
2.Put ice cubes into the glass an oven and boil over medium-
3.Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut high heat.
Water and coconut shavings -.Reduce haet to low and simmer
4.Add the sliced avocado covered for 90 minutes.Remove
5.Add the condensed milk on the top the chicken from the heat.Serve
Avocado the steaming hot chicken,
6.Mixed ice ready to serve garnised with parsely,salt and
Ground black pepper.
27.The text is about how to make…………….
A.Condensed milk 31.What is the purpose of the text
B.Avocado juice above…………
C.Coconut water A.To describe about the chicken
D.Mixed ice soup
28.How much coconut water and coconut B.To explain what the chicken
Shavings should you fill into the glass……… soup is
A.A quarter if the glass C.To show how to make the
B.Half of the glass chicken soup
C.three fourth of the glass D.To entertain the readers about
D.Full of the glass the chicken soup
29.What do you put on the top sliced avocado….. 32.What do we do first after rinsing
A.Sugar C.Condensed the chicken……………
B.Syrup D.Coconut shavings A.Put the bowl into an oven
30.”Mixed ice is ready to serve”. B.Place the chicken in a bowl
The similar meaning of the word ‘to mix’is… C.Reduce heal to low and
A.To unity C.To pour simmer
B.To combine D.To add D.Add vegetables and enough
Read the text and answer questions 31 to 33 water
“Chicken soup” 33.”…,and enough water to cover
Ingredients: them.”
-3 pound,whole fried chicken (line 16)what does the word
-6 to 8cups of water ‘them’ refer to………..
-1 diced garlic clove A.Chicken and bowl
-1 cup of sliced onion B.Vegetables and bowl
-1 cup of sliced celery C.Vegetables and chicken
D.A bowl,chicken and vegetables C.After we have covered the frame
And the fish,varnish both
Read the text and answer questions D.Attach the photo to the back of the
34 to 38 frame with selloptape
A photo fish fun frame 38.”Draw the fish on the tray and cut
You’ll need:a styrofoamTray,colored it out.”
Tissue paper,any photograph glue stick (step 1) what does the word ‘it’
And varnish. Refer to………..
-.Draw the fish on the tray and cut it out A.Frame C.Paper
The fish should be a little smaller than B.Tray D.A picture of fish
The photograph you want to frame. Read the text and answer questions
-.Cut different-colored tissue paper into 39 to 46
Little pieces. Erupting volcano
-.Use gkue stick.Glue the pieces of tissue You will need:
Paper to the tray so that they overlap a -A plastic bottle,about 20cm high
Little. -Sheets of newspaper
-.Cover the fish cut out,which will serve as -A tray 35x50 cm
The frame’s stand. -Watered-down and a brush
-.After you have covered the frame and the -Paint and a paintbrush
Fish,varnish both. -1/2 cup white vineger
-.Let the pieces dry,then gkue the fish cut -2tps.of red food coloring
Out to the back and use it ti hold up the -6tbsp.of bicarbonarte of soda
Frame. -modelling clay
-.Attach the photo to the back of the frame -a plastic funnel
With sellotape.Pretty fish,isn’t it? Steps:
Before making your volcano,build
34.What shoukd we do after we glue the some houses of modeling clay and
Pieces of tissue paper to the tray……… stick them onto the mountain.
A.Varnish lt 1.Glue the base of the bottle to the
B.Cover the fish cut out center of the tray.Arrange balls of
C.Glue the fish cut out to the back scrunched-up newspaper around
D.Cut different-colored tissue paper the bottle.Paint glue over three
35.How many materials do we need to make sheets of newspaper and wrap
A photo fish fun frame……………. Them over the newspaper
A.Four C.Six mountain.Make sure the top of the
B.Five D.Seven bottle isn’t covered.When the glue
36.”Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the has dried,paint the model
Tary…..”(step 5) 2.Now your volcano is ready to erupt
The underlined word means………….. Pour the bicarbonate of soda
A.Put C.Set up through the funnel into the bottle.
B.Stick D.Take Add food coloring to the vinegar,
37.The following are the steps on making then pour it into the bottle using
A photo fish fun frame,except……… the funnel.Now watch the lava
A.Cut different-colored tissue paper into edge its way over the tip of the
Large pieces volcano and down its slopes.
B.Glue the tissue paper to the tray
39.What is the purpose of the text…….
A.To describe an erupting volcano
B.To explain how a volcano erupts
C.To tell the effect of volcano eruption
D.To tell to make an erupting volcano
40.You use the modeling clay to make……….
A.The lava C.The volcano
B.Houses D.The eruption
41.What should you do after painting glue
Over three sheets of newspaper………..
A.Put them to the center of the tray
B.Wrap them over the newspaper mountain
C.Pour the bicarbonate of soda
D.Wrap them over the bottle
42.”Add food coloring to the vinegar,then pour
It…….”(step 2)
The word ‘it’ here refers to………..
A.The mixture if the food coloring and the
B.The mixture of the bicarbonate of soda and
The vinegar
C.The mixture of the bicarbonate of soda and
The food coloring
D.The mixture of the food coloring,the
Bicarbonate of soda and the vinegar
43.What is the title of the text….
A.Erupting volcano
Volcano erupting
44.How many ingredients are need to make
Erupting volcano……………
A.Six C.Seven
B.Ten D.Four
45.What schematic structure of the text………
46.What is the type of the text………
A.Narrative C.Procedure
B.Report D.Recount
“Examples questions and the text Recount”
Read the text and answer questions 47 to 49
Hooray!We had fun with English in our school!We enjoyed this eventon Thursday,17th January 2008,at Yos sudarso Primary school in karawang.We had wauted for it since September 2007.So when the day came,we were really happy.We played many games such as matching colours,matching pictures,horse racing,running and finding and spelling bee.We had story tellings,too.
All students from grade 1 to grade 6 joined fun with English,so there were 3 slots for the activities.We really had fun and we could practice our English.We also sang together about parts of our body,and do-re-mi.
Many prizes were given in this event.There were tickets from ice world and gondola of ancol bay city,tickets from water boom of lippo cikarang,tickets from insects world and freshwater world of TMII,T-shirts,pens,stickers and many other merchandizes.
47.The text mereky tells us about………….
A.learning English at yos sudsrso Primary school
B.Learning English through fun activities
C.Getting prizes in learning English
D.Getting tickets from English activities
48.What is the main idea of paragraph three……….
A.Many prizes given in the event
B.All students of the school joined the game
C.The student had fun during the game
D.”Fun with English” is a nice programme
49.Why were there slots for the activities?..........
A.There were so many activities to join
B.There were somr prizes to win
C.Students from grade 1 and 6 joined the games
D.All students of yos sudarso Primary school joined the games
Read the text and answer questions 50to 51
Mr.and Mrs.Wilson once kept a large monkey he had brought from Kalimantan.The monkey was very faithful tyo her masters and was very friendly to their baby girl.
One day Mr.and Mrs.Wilson went out to attend a wedding ceremony.They left the baby to the monkey they had trusted as a baby sister.
Suddenly a fire broke out in the house.The door and the straicase were already on fire.
All the neighbours looked sadly at the windows of the room where the baby gerl slept in.Somebody ran for a ladder to reach the windows,but it was no use now.
Just then they saw a black hand open the windows upstrairs.Then came out the monkey with the baby girl in her arms.Down she climbed.Slowly and carefully she brought the baby out safely.
50.Where did Mr.amd Mrs.Wilson puttheir baby……………….
A.In the room upstrairs C.At the back window
B.In the monkey’s arm D.Under the ladder
51.”. ….with tha baby girl in her arms.”(last paragraph)
What does the word ‘her’ refers to………..
A.Mr.Wilson’s neighbour’s C.The large monkey’s
B.Mr.Wilson’s wife’s D.The baby girl’s
Read the text and answer questions 52 to 54
Lask week,my parents,sister,brother and I went to the Balekambang park.We went there for recreation.We left at 10 a.m. and arrived there at 10:30 a.m.The park is about a thirty kilometers from house.
Arrining there,we saw that there were a lot of people fishing at the fish pond.Some of them were just relaxing under shady trees while enjoying their meals.Luckily,we got a shady place.Then,we extend our mat and take out our food and drink.My sister,brother and I played hide-and-seek.After a while,we enjoy our lunch.Around 2 p.m. we went home
52.The writer went to the park with his………….
A.Sister C.Parents
B.Family D.Brother and sister
53.What did the writer do in the park………..
A.Fishing C.Relaxing under a shady tree
B.Playing mouse and cat D.Playing hide-and-seek
54.The writer neede….to arrive at the park.
A.Fifteen minutes C.Thirty ninutes
B.One hour D.Two hours
Read the text and answer questions 55 to57
Yesterday night was the night of the fair,the following day was holiday.The children at Tim’s school were realy excited.They ran down the path out of school as fast as they could.Tim ran all the way home,and changed intohis jeans and sneakers.He ate his dinner quickly,and sat at ther window waiting for his dad to come.He couldn’t wait for six o’clock when the fair would begin.He had been saving his pocket money for weeks.
When Tim and his family arrived at fair,it had just opened.Already there were crowds of people swarming around food stalls,displays and dozens of rides.”Can I buy some chips and a drink?”asked Tim.
“Okay,”said Tim’s dad.”But hang on tightly to your wallet.There are a lot of people around.”
“I’ll be fine,”said Tim impatiently.
He found a food stall,and ordered hi food.When the man brought his chip and drink,without thinking,Tim put his walleton the counter and picked up his food and drink.When he glanced backmhis wallet had vanished!Tim desperately looked around him it was no use.All his pocket money was gone.
55.The fair started…………..
A.In the morning C.In the evening
B.In the afternoon D.After school
56.The children at Tim’s school felt excited because………………
A.They would go to the fair
B.The following night was a holiday
C.Their parents came to visit them
D.They got new jeans and sneakers
57.”When he glanced back,his wallet has vanished!”(Last paragraph)
The underlined word means………………
A.Moved C.Stolen
B.Disappeared D.Changed
Read the text and answer questions 58 to 63 .
Your eyes are tough balls that are filled with a jelly-like substance called vitreous humor.
Each eye has some parts,namely,the cornea,the iris,the lens and the retina.The cornea is a thin,glassy dish across the front off your eye.It allows light rays trough the eye’s window,the pupil and into the lens.The iris is the coloured,muscular ring ar0ound the pupil.The iris narrows in bright light and widens when light is dim.The lens is just behind the pupil.It focuses the picture of the world on to the back of the eye.The back of the eye is lined with millions of light-sensitive cels.This lining is called the retina,and it registers the picture and sends signals to the brain via the optic nerve.
Eachg of your two eyes gives you a slightly different view of the worl.However,we see things largely as just one eye sees it.This dominant eye is usually the right eye.
58.What is a thin glassy dishacross the from of your eye called…………….
A.The iris C.The retina
B.The lens D.The cornea
59.What is the purpose of the text…………….
A.To describe different kinds of eyes
B.To explain the process of seeing
C.To tell how to make eyes healthy
D.To describe eyes in general
60.What happens when we are in a dark room………...
A.The iris will widen C.The iris will narrow
B.The cornea will widen D.The cornea will narrow
61.What does a retina do…………..
A.It focuses the pictureon the back of the eye
B.It sends the signal to the brain via the optic nerve
C.It allaws lightrays through the eyes’s window
D.It narrows in bright light
62.What is the type of the text……………..
A.Narrative C.Recount
B.Desciptive D.Report
63.What is the schematic stricture of the text……….
D.General classification-description
Read the text and answer questions 64 to 66
After the movie was over,I left the cinema quickly.My watch showed 11:30p p.m.as I got on to my bicycle.I pedalled hard on my bicyle and was soon speeding home.My thought went back to the movie I had just seen.It was a scary story.I could remember clearly a woman screaming as she was being attackedby a monster.Somehow thet frightful scene stayed in my mind and I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet.As I apporoached a graveyard,I heard some sounds begind me.I was frightened and began to cycle faster.The sound came nearer and nearer.Then,I heard a familiar voice calling me.I lokked back and saw Hadi,my classmate.He had also seen the movieand was frightened too.He had cycled after me so that he would not be alone.Both of us laughed out loud over our behaviour.
64.What is vthe second paragraph about………….
A.The writer heard a frightening sound
B.The writer an his classmate laughed at what they had edone
C.The writer approarched a graveyard
D.The writer met his classmate
65.What made the wrter scared……………..
A.The graveyard C.The quiet road
B.The dark road D.The frightful scene of the movie
66.”As I appoarched a graveyard….”
(paragraph 2)The underlined word means…………
A.Burial ground C.Scary place
B.Frightening garden D.Mysterious yard
Read the text and answer questions 67 to 72
“My Best Friend”
My name is Ary.There years ago when I was in junior high school,I met two people that later became my best friends.The first one was Eric.He was athlete for our school.He was tall and muscular.The other one was Ricky.He was a very diligent student.He liked to readthe encyclopedia and he the ranked first in my class.
I liked them both because they were very friedlyto other people.Even thoughEric and picky were very famous in our school,they were not arrogant.
They made friends with any boy including me.
67.When did Ary met his best friend……….
A.Yesterday C.Two years ago
B.Last week D.Three years ago
Answer:D.Three years ago
68.Who were Ary’s best friends……..
A.Andi and Eric C.Ricky and Eric
B.Eric and Putra D.Sigit and Ricky
Answer:C.Ricky and Eric
69.What was Eric in school……….
A.An athkete C.A photographer
B.A musician D.A boy scout
Answer:A.An athlete
70.What kind pf person was Ricky………….
A.A lazy student C.A stupid student
B.A diligent student D.A . careless student
Answer:B.A diligent student
71.How is Eric’s body……..
A.Short and fat C.Tall and fat
B.Tall and muscular D.Short and muscular
Answer:B.Tall and muscular
72.Why did Ary like Eric and ricky?Because………….
A.Were famous C.Were arrogant
B.Were smart D.Were very friendly to other people
Answer:D.Were very friendly to other people
Read the text and answer questions 73 to 78
I want to tell you about my memorable time in Singapore.It was one of the holidays lever hand.
I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city I saw from mount fable that night.The roller-coaster ride,the stunts perfomed by the dolphins and the killer whale at the sea world exciting.I shall remember the thrill of having been on one of the longest rides in the monorail in Sentosa Island for many years to come.
I aqlso enjoyed various varieties of seafood at the makeshift road side stalls at the Chinatownnight market.I also enjoyed the shopping trips.My family and friends agreed that the souvenir were value for money,especially the silk scarves eith pretty prints and the attractive key chains.
73.What is the type of the text………
A.Narrative C.Report
B.Recount D.Descriptive
74.What is the schematic structure of the text……………..
B.Orientation-events- resolution
75.What is the purpose of the text……………….
A.To describe something
B.To tell about the past events
C.To argue that something happened illogical
D.To amuse the reader with the story
Answer:B.To tell about past events
76.What did the writer do at the Chinatown………….
A.He had a roller-coaster experience
B.He had a various varieties of seafood
C.He enjoy the snails
D.He enjoyed the souvenirs
Answer:A.He had a roller-coaster experience
77.What kind of souvenirs did the writer buy………………...
A.Post cards and snails
B.Seafood and squid
C.Money and scarves
D.Slik scarves and key chains
Answer:D.Silk scarves and key chains
78.”I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city……”
What does the underlined word mean………..
A.Nice C.Amazing
B.Usual D.Ordinary
Read the text and answer question 79 to 82
Last week Riska,his parents and sister went a picnic to the beach.They went prepared early in the morning.They left for the beach aqt 8 in the morning.
Mr.Sony drove the car carefully.The car was convenient.They went to the gas station to buy the fuel for his car.They bought a full tank of the fuel because the traveling took three hours to get the beach.
After getting to the destination,they had lunch first.They felt hungry after a long journey.They at under the coconut trees on the white sand.
Then they swam,played a ball,and took a walk in the beach before they went home at 6 in the evening.
They felt tired but they were very glad.
79.The following is one of the generic structures in the text above……………
A.Identification C.Series of events
B.Classification D.Resolution
Answer:C.Series of events
80.What is the reorientation of the text…………
A.They want to the gas station to buy the fuel for his car
B.Last week Riska,his parents,and sister went a picnic to the beach
C.After getting to the destination,they had lunch first
D.They felt ntired but they were very glad
Answer:D.They felt btired but they were very glad
81.The convenient has the similar meaning to………………..
A.Edible C.Loveadble
B.Cleanable D.Comfortable
82After getting destination,they had lunch first.
The word destination maens……..
A.The end for which something
B.A thing that deters
C.Set a part for a certain purpose
D.Having a fixed solution
Answer:C.Setv a part for a certain purpose
Read the text and answer questions 83 to 86
Last holiday,my classmates and I went on a trid tosee the grojogan sewu waterfalls.We left from school at seven in the morning.We arrived on the waterfalls site at nine O’clock.
It was a nice place,especially the waterfall.It was so high,not less than 100 metres tall.The air was fresh,and the water from up was so clean and cool.Some of us played with water and the other just watched the scenery and sang songs together.
At noon,we had lunch together.At about 3 p.m.,we left for home .We were happy.
83.The text is about…………
A.A long vacation
B.A baring experience
C.The Grojogan sewu waterfall
D. nice holiday experience
Answer:D.A nice holiday experience
84.The man idea of paragraph one is……..
A.The situation in Grojogan sewu waterfalls
B.What the students did on the site
C.The students trip last holiday
D.How the students felt on their holiday
Answr:A.The situation in Grijogan sewu waterfalls
85.How long did the student’s spend their time in Grojogan Sewu waterfalls…………
A.Two hours C.Six hours
B.Four hours D.Seven hours
Answer:D.Seven hours
86.What the water from up was so…………..
A.Clean and cool C.Grating
B.Hot and clean D.Clean
Answer:A.Clean and cool
“Examples questions and the text DESCRIPTIVE’
DEFINITION: Do you know a lamb..lamb is newly born baby goat or sheep.it is called
A lamb because it is almost helpless for the first two weeks of its life.
But the funny one is that my pet is a lamb.
DESCRIPTION ; I can make a pet of lambs.why can we make pets of lambs ?the reason
Is that they are lame and funny is this period like mouse deer.
We play with and care for the baby goats and sheep that live on the
Farms.lambs can make interesting and playfull companions.it is
Enjoyable for the children to teach them to drink milk and eat grass or
Leaves.we also can teach them to obey commands.
By caring for lambs have enough food,exercise ,and a proper place
To live .i feel my lamb therree times a day with the leves and grass.
87.wht genre is the text?
a.narative c.recount
d.descriptive d.report
88.what is the scutematic structure of the text?
b. orientation-events-reorientation
89.what is a lamb?
a.lambs newly born baby goat or steep
b.but the funny one is that my pet is lamb
c.the reason is that they are lame and funny in this period
like mouse deer
d.i feel my lamb there times a day with the leaves and grass
answer:a.lambs newly born baby goat or steps
90.where do the real lambs live?
a.on the market c.on the farms
b.on the beach d.onn the office
answer:c.on the farms
91.what does they pargraph two refer to?
a.but the funny on is that my pet is a lamb
b.the children learn responblity
c.we also can teach them to obey commands
d.two refer two lamb
answer:d.two refer two lamb
My name is asih.my hobby is reading.i usually read books,magazines and newspaper.
I also read story books and novels.
I get much knowledge,information <and entertainment from my hobby.i get news and entertainment from reading newspaper. I get much pleasure from reading magazines.
I can i\be relaxed to.
There are many kinds of article,poem,short story and recipe of cooking in magazines.
They are very useful for me.they can me improve my knowledge.
92.what is suitable title for the text above?
a.asih and reading
b.asih’s hobby
c.asih’s reading
d.reading is good hobby
answer:b.asih’s hobby
93.asih get…from he hobby
a.relaxtion and information
b.lasets and a lot or friends
c.knowledge,information and entertainment
d.plasure and entertainment
answer:c.knowledge,information and entertaimaent
94.how many kinds of reading materials and asih get from a magazine?
a.3 c.5
b.4 d.6
Javanese traditional market v is a traditional market where the Javanese people shop.javanese people in the village go shopping for their daily needs on certain days.they will not go to the market in the villages opens only on certains days.
The market usually will be busy and active once on five days.they call the market with the name of Javanese day namely legi,pahing,pon,wage and kliwon.they are five days for Javanese people.the Javanese people call the days as “dina pasaran”.besides they also use seven days like senin, selasa ,rabu,kamis,jemuah,setu,and minggu.they will combine those days into one unit like senin legi,selasa pahing,rebo poon,and so on.
So when the market is open on kliwon day,the village will go to the market as “pasar kliwon”.you know that pasar means market in javanese language.
95.what is social function of thye text above?
a.to tell the particular market
b.to tell general people
c.to describe the market in general
d.to describe the special people
answer:a.to tell the particular market
96.what paragraph tells the descriptions of Javanese traditional market?
a.paragraph 1 and 2
b.paragraph 1 and 3
c.paragraph 2 and 3
d.paragraph 3
answer:paragraph 2 and 3
97.when do to village go shopping for their daily needs?
b.on certain days
c.on holiday
d.oncea week
answer:b.or certain days
98.how many Javanese days are there in the text?
a.four c.six
b.five d.seven
99.they call pasar kliwon because on…kliwon day.
a.the market is open and busy
b.the market has no costumer
c.the villagers won’t go shopping
d.there is no transaction
answer:the villagers won’t go shopping
100.we can pay things in the traditional market by….
a.cash c.credit card
b.money order d.check
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