Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Soal Ujian Nasional (UN) SMA Bahasa Inggris P5

Soal Ujian Nasional (UN) SMA Bahasa Inggris P5

Text 1                          
            Ronan Keating’s 3rd solo album is a chance for the public to see the real Ronan. He was a member of the successful Irish boy band Boyzone  and since going solo has sold more than 17 million albums worldwide. His latest album ‘Turn It On’ shows the new Ronan. His voice is deeper and he sounds more mature and self assured. The new album contains a lot of catchy tunes which will get you singing along.
            The new Ronan is ‘Ronan the Songwriter’. He has co-written 12 of the songs on the album.The first song really shows you what the new Ronan can do. It is the title of the songs on the album and called ‘Turn It On’. The upbeat, catchy music is a great start to the album. The album has a natural pace and covers all tempos.’Back In The Day’ is another upbeat song and has a strong melody that will be buzzing round your head for ages. Other highlights include ‘Let Her Down Easy’, an old song from Terence Trent Derby and ‘Last Thing on My Mind’ which features vocals from LeAnn Rimes. One of the slower, more personal songs is “This is Your Song.” Ronan wrote this himself as a tribute to his mum who died of cancer. It is a song from the heart.
            “Turn It On” is a compelling mixture of rock tunes and slow ballads which are fused together by one of the finest vocalist of our time .Ronan Keating, with his rich voice, has the ability to make all these songs come to life. Great songs, great voice, great album.
                                                                        (KGRE, teachers’kit)
16.  What kind of music does Ronan Keating play mostly?
  1. Slowbeat and march
  2. Upbeat and strong melody
  3. Slow and monotonous melody
  4. Upbeat and slow melody
  5. Slowbeat and all tempos

17.  What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
a.                   Ronan Keating himself
b.                  Ronan Keating’s music album
c.                   The new album of Ronan Keating
d.                  The latest album of Ronan Keating
e.                   Ronan Keating’s career in singing

18.  What song did he dedicate to his beloved mother ?
  1. Turn It On
  2. Back In the Day
  3. Last Thing on My Mind
  4. Let  Her Down Easy
  5. This is Your Song

19.  How many albums has Ronan launched, based on the text above?
a.       One ( 1 )
b.                  Two ( 2 )
c.                    Three ( 3 )
d.                  Four ( 4 )
e.                   Five  ( 5 )

20.  “ His voice is deeper and he sounds more mature and self-assured, the underlined word/phrase means :
a.       Confident
b.      Concrete
c.       Confidential
d.      Consequence
e.       Convey

Text 2

New Species Found in Papua Eden

                   An international team of scientists says it has found a “lost world” in the Indonesian jungle that is the home to dozens of new animals and plant species. “It’s as close to the Garden of Eden as you’re going to find on Earth,” said Bruce Beehler, co-leader of the group.

The group of Indonesian, American and Australian researchers trekked through an area in the mist -  shrouded Foja Mountainns of north-western Papua. After being dropped off by helicopter, the researchers spent nearly a month in the area, detailing the wildlife and plantlife from the lower hills to near the summit of the Foja range, which reaches more than 2,000m in elevation.

The team found four new species of butterflies, twenty new species of frogs, and a whole series of remarkable plants including five new palms and a giant rhododendron flower. The survey also found a honeyeater bird that was previously unknown to science and the first new bird species discovered on the island of New Guinea since 1939.They also found the breeding grounds of a “lost” bird of paradise. The six-wired bird of paradise was first seen in the late 19th century but hadn’t been found again since. The team also took the first photographs of the golden fronted bowerbird displaying its plunge. The team also recorded a golden mantled tree kangaroo, which was not known to be in this area and is near extinction in other areas. “It’s beautiful, untouched, unpopulated forest, there is no evidence of human impact or presence”said Dr. Beehler,.

21.  What is the purpose of the text above?
  1. To inform us (the readers) that the researchers found the new jungle in Indonesia
  2. To survey the new species of animals and plants in the jungle in Indonesia
  3. To find the lost world in Indonesian jungle
  4. To inform the discovery of new species of animals and plants in Indonesian jungle
  5. To find the lost species of animals and plants in the jungle of Indonesia

22.  The main idea of paragraph 1 is …….
  1. A group of international scientists found the new land
b.  A group of international scientists found the unpopulated area
      c.  A group of international scientists found the new species of animals and plants
d.  Indonesia is the jungle of new species of animals and dead plants
e.  The jungle is close to the Garden of Eden on earth

23.  The scientists found the following new species, except :
  1. 4 new species  of butterflies and honeyeater bird
  2. 20 new species of frogs and a giant rhododendron flower
  3. A honeyeater bird and 5 new species of palm
  4. 20 species of frogs and the 2 species of giant flower
  5. 4 new species of butterflies and 5 new species of palms

24. How did the scientists reach the target area?
  1. By trekking the footsteps of new species
  2. By taking a chopper
  3. By taking a bus
  4. By driving a car
  5. By climbing the mountain
25. When the scientists took the photograph the golden fronted bowerbird displaying its plunge.
 The underlined words mean….
    1. Sleeping on the twig
    2. flying here and there
    3. showing its beauty
    4. eating honey
    5. biting wombs

Text 3
                  Whales are the largest animal on earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weight 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weigh 3 tons.
                  Although whales live in the oceans and can swim like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephant. Unlike fish, they bear young alive not as eggs. Their babies live on their mother’s milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breathe when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will be drown. They are warm blooded. Fish, however, lay eggs,breathe oxygen in the water and are cold blooded.
                 Whales live in all the oceans. In the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whale without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The Baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouth and swim into the plankton. When they close their mouth, they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton.
                  Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the whale killers attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.

26. A suitable title for the text above is ….
     a. Large animal on earth
     b. Difference between whales and elephants
     c. Whales, the biggest animal on the earth
     d. Similarity between fish and whales
     e. The life of whales in the oceans

27. Which of the following is TRUE about whales?
     a. Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 kilos
     b. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their enemies
     c. Like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters
     d. Their life span is usually longer than human beings.
     e. A new baby whale may weigh one fiftieth of its mother

28. The difference between whales and fish is that whales …..
    a. do not have to come to the surface to get fresh air
    b. deliver their young like elephants do
    c. will die if they can not get any oxygen in the water
    d. are mammals that are cold-blooded
    e. can easily breathe when they are under water

29. Whales occasionally live in warm waters ….
     a. to get more food
     b. for reproduction
     c. to avoid winter
     d. for fresh air
     e. to feed their babies

30. From the text, we may conclude that ….
     a. A whale can eat both squid and plankton
     b. Toothed whales chew their food before swallowing it
   c. The two types of whale live indifferent waters
   d. Baleen whales swallow the water containing plankton
   e. Each type of whale eats a specific kind of food

Text 4      
         There are three separate sources of hazard in the process of supplying energy by nuclear power.
         The radioactive material  must travel from its place of manufacture to the power station. Although the power station themselves are solidly built, the container used the transport of the materials are not. There are normally only two methods of transport available, namely road and rail. Unfortunately, both of these involve close contact with the general public, since the routes are sure to pass near, or even though, heavily populated areas.
         Next, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power station produce waste that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. For example they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into abandoned mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily crack the containers open.
        Finally, there is the problem of accidental exposure due to leak or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two hazards, this is not very likely, so that it does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear program. Nevertheless, it can happen.
       Separately, these three types of risks are not great cause  for concern. On the whole through, the probability of disaster is still high.

31. The whole text tells us about ….
      a. The danger of transporting radioactive materials
      b. The way to make radioactive wastes not dangerous for people
      c. The potentials dangers in supplying energy by nuclear power
      d. The accident caused by nuclear power station.
      e. People’s objections to the establishment of nuclear power station
32. What makes the transport of radioactive materials dangerous for people’s lives?
       a. The road
       b. The container
       c. The rail 
       d. The power station
       e. The heavily populated areas

33. Which of the following statement is TRUE about radioactive wastes?
       a. There will be no more danger when radioactive waste are buried underground
       b. There is no chance of saving people’s lives from radioactive wastes
       c. Radioactive wastes become non radioactive when they are sunk in the sea.
       d. Only earthquakes can change radioactive wastes into non radioactive wastes
       e. Natural disaster may cause very serious leaks in buried containers of radioactive wastes

34. In spite of  the problem which are likely to occur in supplying energy by nuclear power, the
      Writer thinks that ….
a.     people will strongly object to it
b.    the probability of disaster is high
c.     hazard should be rigidly controlled
d.    it’s worth conducting nuclear programs
e.     there is a great cause for concern

35. We may conclude from the third paragraph that the problem of accidental exposure is caused    
       a. human error
       b. an earthquake
       c. radioactive waste
       d. hazards
       e. bad design of the nuclear station

Text. 5
                        Why Is the World’s Population So Unevenly Distributed ?
            Population distribution refers to the way in which people are spread out over a land area. The world’s population is not evenly spread out. Why do you think this is so? There are two main factors that influence population distribution; a) the physical condition of the place and b) the level of technology of the people. This refers to knowledge, skills and tools that the people have.
            People tend to settle in areas where the soil is fertile and the climate is not too harsh. That  is why river deltas, such as Nile Delta in Egypt, are densely populated. There are fewer people living in hilly areas with harsh climate because the extreme physical conditions make living and farming very difficult.
            However, it is not impossible for people to survive under unfavorable living conditions. With improvements in technology, places which were previously thought to be unsuitable for people can become suitable. For example, an area with dry and hot area, such as Arizona, can be made more comfortable by having buildings fitted with air-conditioners. Farming may be difficult in a place without fertile land and adequate rainfall, but if the people earn their living by other means and not agriculture, the place will still be populated.
                                                                                  (taken from; ‘Listen To Me’)

36. After reading the text above, what is the main information in it?
      a. The world’s   population is not evenly distributed
      b. The world’s population is evenly populated
      c. It is impossible to survive under unfavorable living condition
      d. People tend to settle in unevenly populated area
      e. Technology is able to change the suitable condition

37. Paragraph 3 tells us about
     a. The impossibility to live in unfavorable areas
     b. Technology has improved in many places
     c. Farming is impossible in fertile land
     d. The possibility to live in unfavorable areas
     e. The place will still be populated if it is arid

38. How do people in Arizona survive  to live in unpleasant areas?
    a. by making big ponds
    b. by creating windmills
    c. by installing air-conditioners
    d. by building dams
    e. by generating hydro plant

39. These are the factors that influence population distribution, except ;
    a. the physical condition
    b. the level of the technology of the people
    c. the knowledge of the people
    d. the size of height of people
    e. the tools or instruments that people use

40. The Nile Delta in Egypt is densely populated area.
      The antonym of the underlined word/s is
     a. rare
     b. seldom
     c. lately
     d. slump
     e. scarcely

Text. 6
                                                PATTY   THE  MILKMAID

                        Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head. As she went along she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get for the milk. “I will buy some fowls from Farmer Brown,” said she, “And they will lay eggs each morning, which I will sell to the Parson’s wife. With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs, I’ll buy myself a new dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I go to market, won’t all the young men come up and speak to me ! Polly Shaw will be that jealous; but I don’t care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this.” As she spoke she tossed her head back, the pail fell off it and all the milk was split. So she had to go home and tell her mother what had occurred.
                        “Ah, my child,” said the mother, “Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.”

41. What is Patty’s job?
       a. milking cow
       b. selling milk
       c. making cakes
       d. carrying pail
       e. calculating eggs
42. The climax of the text is, when…..
      a. Patty went to the market to sell the milk
      b. Patty was imagining her future
      c. Patty fell her pail off
      d. Patty went home in tears
      e. Patty fell in love with young men

43. Who are the characters in the story above ?
      a. Patty and the Milkmaid
      b. Patty and Farmer Brown
      c. Patty and the Parson’s wife
      d. Patty and Polly Shaw
      e. Patty and the mother

44. Why was the milk split?
       a. as Patty walked carelessly
       b. because Patty move her head upwards
       c. since she was jealous with Polly Shaw
       d. she fell and twisted her ankle
       e. because she was in a hurry

45. ‘Patty the Milkmaid was going to the market carrying her milk in a pail on her head”.
       The underlined word means ....
       a. pale
       b. bucket
       c. box
       d. glass
       e. pan

Text. 7                                                
                           SHOULD EXAMINATIONS BE ABOLISHED?

            Many people say that examinations should be abolished because they are not the best measure of students’ capabilities. These people believe that students can study on their own and do better without the nagging worry and pressure exerted by examinations.
            Yet, there are persuasive reasons to show that examinations should not be abolished. It is insufficient that teachers assign homework and correct it. Because this is not done under supervision, they can not be sure that it is really the work of the students themselves. Moreover, homework  is not a test of student’s ability; homework is more a method of merely keeping him occupied.
            Nowadays, in the hunt for jobs, students need to produce some evidence of their capabilities. Prospective employers like to see copies of examination results; this is the only way a student’s qualifications can be judged. This attitude greatly encourages the use of examinations, if not making them a necessity.

46. What information do we get from the text ?
      a. People’s attitudes toward the examinations
      b. Students’ disagreement against examinations
      c. The examination’s measurement is abolished
      d. The persuasive ways to maintain the examinations
      e. The teachers’ roles to motivate the students

47. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
      a. The reasons to maintain the examinations
      b. The teachers’ roles in supervising the students
      c. Homework is not a test of a student’s ability
      d. Homework is method of keeping students busy
      e. The insufficient teachers in school

48. How to judge the student’s qualifications ?
      a. checking his attitudes
      b. referring to his diploma
      c. concerning his behavior
      d. trekking his activities
      e. producing his capabilities

49. Why do some people disagree to abolish examination?
      a. because exam’s results is the only proof of student’s capabilities
      b. since nobody trust the students nowadays
      c. as a regulation in the country
      d. because homework can be done without teacher’s supervision
      e. for the sake of efficiency

50. People say that examination should be abolished. What does the underlined mean?
      a. be banned
      b. be forbidden
      c. be regarded
      d. be applied
      e. be discarded

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Anda akan mendapat Akun ke gobimbel.net dan  Aplikasi Android Go Bimbel
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Aplikasi TryOut

  • Harga 1,5 juta
  • Aplikasi Android dengan Nama Bimbel/Sekolah Anda sendiri
  • Lama Pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 hari
  • Biaya berjalan Rp 20 per aplikasi dibuka
Tujuan Aplikasi
  • Promosi Bimbel
  • Hemat Kertas untuk Modul, Soal TryOut dan Soal Lomba.
  • Landing Page Bimbel seperti website namun dalam bentuk Aplikasi.
  • Share Kegiatan Bimbel seperti Wall Facebook.
  • Mode Lanjutan, Aplikasi bisa digunakan sebagai media jual konten belajar (Hanya yang berlangganan yang bisa akses).
NB :
Konten Aplikasi masih Kosong jadi perlu di isi sendiri. Anda perlu menyiapkan Video, Materi dan Soal.
Contoh Aplikasi Terapan Download dan Install
Contoh Aplikasi untuk Simulasi Input Soal dll -  Download dan Install
Login jadi Admin HP 0123456789 Password 1234
Cara input soal, Materi dan Video Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464

Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari

Harga Rp 100K/analisa
Biaya di Transfer setelah Hasil Analisa dikirimkan karena kadang Sidik Jari Tidak terlihat.
Ada 2 cara Pengiriman Data
  1. Menggunakan Scanner Dokument (Scanner di Printer Fotocopy sudah cukup).
  2. Foto dengan Kamera HP 1 jari 1 foto dan kasih label yaa ...
Kirimkan :
Manfaat Analisa :
  • Mengetahui IQ dan EQ Bawaan untuk menyesuaikan kecepatan belajar.
  • Mengetahui Keseimbangan Otak Kiri dan Kanan dimana hal ini akan mempengaruhi Gaya Kerja, Cara Berfikir, Tingkah laku dan Posisi Kerja. 
  • Mengetahui Bakat Alami, Kecerdasan Majemuk, Sifat Bawaan untuk selanjutnya bisa dikembangkan dan Mengantisipasi Kelemahan.
  • Memperkirakan Jurusan Pendidikan yang cocok.
  • Memperkirakan Posisi Kerja yang lebih relevan.
  • Memperkirakan Pekerjaan yang dengan Kemungkinan Sukses lebih banyak.
  • Mengetahui Kemampuan yang Paling menonjol yang ada pada diri Anda.
  • Penyaluran Hobi yang cocok untuk kegiatan setelah Pensiun.
Hasil Analisa
  • Hasil Analisa Dalam bentuk PDF 13 Halaman dikirim langsung melalui WhatsApp.
  • Contoh Hasil Analisa Klik Disini  
Video Pembahasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini 
Info Lengkap silahkan download di Aplikasi - Download dan Install
WhatsApp 081391005464

Kemitraan Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

  • Peluang usaha membuka Outlet Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari. 
  • Apabila Anda telah memiliki Outlet Penjualan seperti Bimbel, Ekspedisi, Kafe, Warung dan sejenisnya, Analisa ini dapat menambah ragam usaha Anda.
  • Analisa SJB ini bisa digunakan di Sekolah, Madrasah, Pondok Pesantren, Bimbel,  Perusahaan, Biro Psikologi atau yang membutuhkan Analisa Bakat. Dengan Sistem ini Mitra bisa mendapatkan Harga lebih terjangkau namun perlu membuat Tim Pengambilan data dan Pencetakkan Hasil Analisa.
Info Lengkap Tentang Analisa Bakat - Download Aplikasi SJB
  • Memiliki Scanner, Printer dan Komputer (Scanner bisa menggunakan Scanner di Printer fotocopy)
  • Mau Belajar untuk Menerangkan Hasil Analisa
Silahkan Pelajari terlebih dahulu penjelasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini
Biaya Kemitraan
  • Pendaftaran Kemitraan Rp 500 ribu (termasuk 10 analisa)
  • Rp 50 ribu / analisa (Harga jual minimal Rp 100 ribu)
Alur Kerja
  • Pelanggan di-scan 10 jari dan Telapak Tangan
  • Kirimkan Hasil Scan resolusi tinggi (JPG) melalui WA atau email aqilabakat@gmail.com
  • Setelah pengukuran selesai, Hasil Analisa dikirimkan ke Anda, 
  • silahkan cetak dan berikan ke Pelanggan
  • Jika diperlukan tambahkan sedikit Penjelasan.
Target Pasar
  • TK Paud Mendeteksi masalah lebih dini tentang adanya kelainan otak
  • Memberikan Alternatif Solusi untuk anak yang mengalami masalah baik tingkah laku maupun belajar
  • Mengetahui Tipe Kecerdasan yang mungkin bisa dikembangkan
  • Penjusan SMA / Kuliah
  • Posisi kerja yang lebih cocok
  • Penghasilan tambahan / Hobi yang menghasilkan
  • Usaha untuk Persiapan Pensiun
Perbedaan dengan Produk Sejenis
  • Hasil berupa angka sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai pembanding dengan orang lain yang telah melakukan Analisa. Produk sejenis hanya dapat melihat Potensi terbesar pada diri sendiri.
  • Hasil Analisa lebih sederhana dan mudah dipahami.
  • Dapat mendeteksi Kelainan Otak lebih dini.
  • Pengambilan data oleh Mitra Lebih mudah dan Murah hanya menggunakan scanner dokumen biasa (Printer 3 in 1 sudah mencukupi).


Contoh Hasil Analisa - Download Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464


Keagenan Analisa Sidik Jari Bakat

  • Peluang usaha membuka Outlet dan Cabang Analisa Bakat dengan Sidik Jari. 
  • Apabila Anda telah memiliki Outlet Penjualan seperti Bimbel, Ekspedisi, Kafe, Warung dan sejenisnya, Analisa ini dapat menambah ragam usaha Anda.
  • Analisa SJB ini bisa digunakan di Sekolah, Madrasah, Pondok Pesantren, Bimbel,  Perusahaan, Biro Psikologi atau yang membutuhkan Analisa Bakat. Dengan Sistem ini Mitra bisa mendapatkan Harga lebih terjangkau namun perlu membuat Tim Pengambilan data dan Pencetakkan Hasil Analisa.
Keuntungan menjadi Agen
  • Bisa membuat jaringan sendiri baik agen dibawahnya atau jaringan kemitraan sendiri
  • Biaya Kuota Analisa lebih murah
  • Dapat mencetak langsung Hasil Analisa di Tempat pengambilan data dalam waktu kurang dari 10 menit.
Info Lengkap Tentang Analisa Bakat - Download Aplikasi SJB
Alur kerja pengambilan data
  • Menentukan pola 10 ujung jari dan mengukur keliling Segitiga ATD di telapak Tangan.
  • Menginput data di Software - Login ke sidikjari.aqilacourse.net.
  • Mencetak Hasil Analisa.
  • Memberikan ke Pelanggan dan menjelaskan hasil Analisa.
Sistem Pembayaran dan Biaya
  • Biaya Pendaftaran 1 juta (mendapatkan 50 Kuota Cetak)
  • Kuota Cetak akan berkurang saat Anda menginput data, 1 analisa = 1 kuota cetak.
  • Selanjutnya Rp 20 ribu /Kuota Cetak.
Bagaimana menentukan pola dan penjelasan lainnya - Link Video Klik Disini
Silahkan Pelajari juga penjelasan Hasil Analisa - Link Video Klik Disini
Apabila Anda mengalami Kesulitan, 
Anda bisa melakukan Pelatihan/Training.
Biaya Training
  • Pelatihan di Aqila Magelang 1,5 juta - Khusus di Hari Minggu yaaa ... 
  • Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah Rp 1,5 jt + Transport
  • Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Jakarta Rp 2 jt + Transport
  • Luar Jawa Rp 4 jt + Transport
Tentang Training
  • Total biaya Training akan di konversi menjadi Kuota jadi sebenarnya itu hanya seperti membeli Kuota Cetak. 
  • Misal Total biaya Training Rp 2,5 jt maka akan di tambahkan Rp 2,5 jt : 20 rb = 125 Kuota Analisa.
  • Calon Agen yang mengikuti Training Bebas biaya Pendaftaran
  • Lama Training sekitar 6 jam.
  • Lebih baik peserta training lebih dari 5 orang karena tidak pasti setiap peserta training bisa melakukan analisa setelah pelatihan.
  • Biaya Transport yang dimaksud dianggap dengan Transportasi Umum dihitung dari Magelang
Perbedan Keagenan dengan Kemitraan terletak di siapakah yang menentukan pola.
Agen menentukan Pola dan Input data Sendiri sedangkan Mitra, pola ditentukan oleh pusat sehingga Mitra perlu mengirimkan Data dalam bentuk Gambar (Scan) ke Pusat.
Contoh Hasil Analisa - Download Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464


Aplikasi Admin Rental Mobil

Fungsi :
  • Booking Mobil oleh Admin / Agen
  • Data Mobil Keluar Hari ini
  • Pencarian Mobil yg Ready
  • Rekap Setoran Harian, Rekap Bulanan
  • Bisa dibuka di Banyak HP dgn Data yg Sama
Download Aplikasi Administrasi Rental Mobil - Klik Disini
Coba Login jadi Admin
  • HP Pemilik 012345678910
  • Nomor HP 012345678910
  • Password 12345
  • Memakai Aplikasi yg sudah ada Rp 400 rb akan mendapatkan Akun untuk Login Jumlah Mobil dan Agen tidak terbatas.
  • Aplikasi Sendiri dengan Nama Rental Sendiri Rp 2,5 juta (Lama pembuatan sekitar 15 hari)
  • Aplikasi Master bisa menjual lagi Akun di dalam Aplikasi Rp 7 juta (lama pembuatan sekitar 30 hari)
Info Lengkap - Klik Disini
WhatsApp 081391005464

Katalog Produk - Simpel Online Store

  • Aplikasi Toko Online yang sangat Sederhana seperti yang ada di WhatsApp Bisnis namun dalam Bentuk Aplikasi Android dan Tampil di PlayStore dengan Nama Usaha / Toko Anda sendiri.
  • Pembeli yang tertarik membeli langsung menghubungi Anda melalui WhatsApp dengan mengklik tombol WhatsApp di Aplikasi.
Fungsi Utama
  • Landing Page yang lebih murah dan simpel
  • Marketing yang lebih mudah
  • Katalog Produk / Dagangan yang dihubungkan dengan Tombol WhatsApp
Apa yang berbeda ?
  • Satu Toko Satu Aplikasi
  • Input data dan Share Link Aplikasi di Medsos seminggu sekali dan biarkan berkembang dengan sendirinya.
  • Memakai nama Tempat Usaha / Toko Anda sendiri di PlayStore, jadi isi Aplikasi hanya ada Produk / Dagangan Anda Sendiri.
  • TIDAK ADA fungsi Keranjang, Transaksi dan chat di Aplikasi sehingga Anda tidak perlu membuka Aplikasi tiap hari.
Harga Pembuatan Aplikasi
  • Rp 500 ribu
  • Lama Pembuatan 15 s.d. 30 harian
Biaya berjalan
  • Aplikasi ini sudah dibuat semi offline jadi harga Server bisa lebih ditekan yaitu :
  • Rp 5 per View.
  • Satu View sama dengan Satu kali Aplikasi dibuka
  • Saat pembelian sudah termasuk 20K View jadi perkiraan tahun berikutnya baru menambah kuota View sekitar 50 ribuan untuk 10K View.
Hal yang perlu di mengerti
  • Aplikasi layaknya sebuah Tanaman
  • Tidak langsung berbuah saat ditanam dan perlu dirawat setiap hari dan setelah beberapa bulan / tahun baru berbuah.
  • Begitu pula dengan Aplikasi, perlu di share setiap hari dan akan menjadi media marketing setelah paling tidak terdownload lebih dari 1000 kali.
Contoh Aplikasi 
WhatsApp 081391005464


Beberapa Aplikasi Buatan Kami


Aplikasi Pembantu BroadCast WhatsApp
Aplikasi Broadcast WA, Marketing Gratis kalau punya HP nganggur os 7 ke atas
versi Free udah bisa kirim 500 Nomor dalam sekali Event. download Aplikasinya (pakai Link Gdrive karena udah di takedown oleh PlayStore) - Download dan Install
Informasi Lengkapnya Klik Disini
Aplikasi Pasang Iklan Gratis  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Tukeran Nomor HP  
Marketing Gratis dengan Status WA dengan cara saling simpan nomor HP - Download dan Install
Analisa Kepribadian dari Tanda tangan  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Tafsir Mimpi  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi 99 Cerita Motivasi  - Download dan Install
Analisa Kepribadian dan Mata  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Hobi Senter  
Aplikasi Pencatatan Hasil Review dan Uji Nyala dari berbagai jenis Senter - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Middle Brain Activation 
Menambah Kecerdasan dengan Mengaktifkan Otak Tengah  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Magelang Iklan Gratis  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Jual Beli ide  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Absen Karyawan  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Catatan Hutang Piutang  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Dompet Saya  - Download dan Install
Konsumen Rewel 
Aplikasi pencarian Konsumen Bermasalah
Tidak membayar, Terlalu ribet atau sejenisnya  - Download dan Install
Tukang Cuci Baju (Laundry)
Aplikasi Pencarian Lokasi Loundry  - Download dan Install
Pasar Desain
Aplikasi Pencarian Tukang Desain Logo Banner dan sejenisnya  - Download dan Install
Pejuang Jimpitan
Aplikasi Pencatatan Uang Jimpitan Online, Note and auto Share  - Download dan Install
Kas Event O
Aplikasi Pencatatan dan Sharing Keuangan saat Event tertentu seperti Walimahan, Mantenan, Event Organizer, atau kegiatan yang melibatkan orang banyak dan dana dari orang banyak.  - Download dan Install
Aplikasi Pencatat Kebutuhan Penting  - Download dan Install

Mau Analisa Bakat ? udah Komplit sama IQ dan EQ nya ... di AFTA aja #analisabakat #jurusankuliah

Mau Analisa Bakat ? udah Komplit sama IQ dan EQ nya ... di AFTA aja #analisabakat #jurusankuliah Ketahui Bakat lebih Mudah dengan Sidik jari...

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